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 Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC

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Primate Murder
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Primate Murder

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Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC Empty
PostSubject: Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC   Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC Icon_minitimeWed Apr 17, 2019 9:37 pm

I am talking about mass shooters or rampage killers that you can mention in public and people wouldn’t give you a dirty look if you talk about them. Basically any mass shooter that makes people who are not a part of the school shooter fandom appreciate and call them a hero unironically in the YouTube comment section.
(Edgy, troubled teens doesn’t count, also it pisses me off whenever this happens).
Ex: Chris Dorner
Micah Johnson
Baruch Goldstein
(maybe) Elliot Rodger
Mohamed Merah
Marvin Heemeyer (Although he didn’t kill anyone, he was intending to kill though)
A lot of Islamic terrorists

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Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC   Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC Icon_minitimeWed Apr 17, 2019 11:05 pm

None of them?

I mean I've talked to people about Columbine and a shockingly large amount of them didn't even know what it was, I doubt bringing up any mass shooting that hadn't happened literally the day it happened would produce any results from their memory.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Primate Murder
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Primate Murder

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Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC   Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC Icon_minitimeThu Apr 18, 2019 1:14 am

It must be the fact that I dwell in the Youtube comment sections too much.

Currently dating Seryu Ubiquitous
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Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC   Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC Icon_minitimeThu Apr 18, 2019 5:08 am

Islamic terrorists get support from some islamic extremists and those who are willing to imitate them. There are [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (yeah, I'm promoting my own thread that was a flop). Mohammed Merah is slightly different because he was also [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] who are of immigrant origins. We know that in problem estates in France, for many people heros are not Arnaud Beltrame but Merah or any other islamic terrorists.

But it goes beyond islamic terrorism, it applies to any kind of terrorism. Brenton Tarrant was hailed as a hero on many white supremacist websites. Although he's not a mass shooter, I think Timothy McVeigh enjoys quite a good reputation in regards to the awful thing he did and the numerous children who were killed.
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Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC   Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC Icon_minitimeMon Apr 22, 2019 2:53 am

Bernhard Goetz
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Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC   Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2019 8:04 pm

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Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC   Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC Icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2020 5:24 am

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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC   Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC Icon_minitime

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Mass shooters that have fandoms that goes way past the TCC
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