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 The Evolution (Or Not) Of School Shootings In America Since Columbine (HBO)

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The Evolution (Or Not) Of School Shootings In America Since Columbine (HBO) Empty
PostSubject: The Evolution (Or Not) Of School Shootings In America Since Columbine (HBO)   The Evolution (Or Not) Of School Shootings In America Since Columbine (HBO) Icon_minitimeSat Apr 20, 2019 10:06 pm

Interesting little vid posted by Vice today given that it's the Columbine anniversary. Surprisingly apolitical which is good since Vice stuff is usually pretty left leaning.
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The Evolution (Or Not) Of School Shootings In America Since Columbine (HBO) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Evolution (Or Not) Of School Shootings In America Since Columbine (HBO)   The Evolution (Or Not) Of School Shootings In America Since Columbine (HBO) Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2019 12:45 am

I like how they let at least one guy in who didn't follow the No Notoriety stuff for Eric and Dylan, even if he just said their names. I've shared my views on it previously, but people don't seem to even question ideas brought up anymore and just blindly follow no matter what and it's refreshing to have SOMEONE who isn't following it.

I do understand it, but I highly doubt it's more than a fraction of why it happens. You don't get led to kill only for fame, if that was the sole case you'd try a dumb internet video or something else stupid but notable. You can tell when you actually acknowledge and listen to the big scary bad guys, that there's a lot more to it that people, even 20 god damn fucking years later, don't seem to see. It's still honestly seemed political but yea, a lot less than you'd expect

Last edited by Westygalery on Sun Apr 21, 2019 1:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Evolution (Or Not) Of School Shootings In America Since Columbine (HBO) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Evolution (Or Not) Of School Shootings In America Since Columbine (HBO)   The Evolution (Or Not) Of School Shootings In America Since Columbine (HBO) Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2019 1:03 am

-ranty garbage, sorry-

Last edited by Westygalery on Sat Apr 27, 2019 2:33 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Evolution (Or Not) Of School Shootings In America Since Columbine (HBO) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Evolution (Or Not) Of School Shootings In America Since Columbine (HBO)   The Evolution (Or Not) Of School Shootings In America Since Columbine (HBO) Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2019 10:26 pm

Westygalery wrote:
I like how they let at least one guy in who didn't follow the No Notoriety stuff for Eric and Dylan, even if he just said their names. I've shared my views on it previously, but people don't seem to even question ideas brought up anymore and just blindly follow no matter what and it's refreshing to have SOMEONE who isn't following it.

I do understand it, but I highly doubt it's more than a fraction of why it happens. You don't get led to kill only for fame, if that was the sole case you'd try a dumb internet video or something else stupid but notable. You can tell when you actually acknowledge and listen to the big scary bad guys, that there's a lot more to it that people, even 20 god damn fucking years later, don't seem to see. It's still honestly seemed political but yea, a lot less than you'd expect

Well said
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The Evolution (Or Not) Of School Shootings In America Since Columbine (HBO) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Evolution (Or Not) Of School Shootings In America Since Columbine (HBO)   The Evolution (Or Not) Of School Shootings In America Since Columbine (HBO) Icon_minitime

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The Evolution (Or Not) Of School Shootings In America Since Columbine (HBO)
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