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 Brooks lying in his book

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Brooks lying in his book Empty
PostSubject: Brooks lying in his book   Brooks lying in his book Icon_minitimeMon Apr 22, 2019 5:17 pm

Not sure why he lied multiple times in his book.

1) He kept saying the windshield incident and him and Eric stopped talking to each other in February 1998. This is incorrect. February 1998 would put them in their junior year, not sophomore year. Eric already had his license by then. He had his license by April/May of 1997. Dylan received his license in October 1997. Brooks and Eric actually did not talk from February/March 1997 to January 1999. They did not start talking again until their second semester at Columbine High School in their senior year where they both buried the hatchet.

Same with Dylan and Brooks. They actually stopped talking to each other until sometime in the beginning of their senior year. Brooks for some reason wanted to seem like he was closer to Dylan and Eric before their death. The only people who were the closest to them before their death were Chris Morris and Nate Dykeman.

2) Dylan giving Brooks the website of Eric where he was posting threats about Brooks. Dylan just gave him a piece of paper with the address and left, "supposedly".

I believe this is a flat out lie. We already know that by the summer of 1997 that Brooks and his family knew about Eric's website and that Eric was posting threats to kill Brooks Brown, and posting his number and all that stuff. What actually happened was Brooks Brown' younger brother, Aaron Brown went into the police station and remained himself to be anonymous, but wanted to make a complaint about Eric's website threatening Brooks and his family. This happened in July 1997. Whoever was on the case also made sure to also write down Dylan's name as well. Aaron Brown not only told on Eric, but on Dylan too. Dylan was not innocent. I don't know why the Brown family continues to believe this now. They're literally in denial about Dylan.

Not to mention that Dylan was involved in vandalizing Brooks Brown house in 1997 on their "missions". Eric, Zach, and Dylan all vandalized Brooks' house. But you never hear Brooks mention that. Very strange.
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Brooks lying in his book Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks lying in his book   Brooks lying in his book Icon_minitimeMon Apr 22, 2019 5:37 pm

lol wrote:
Not sure why he lied multiple times in his book.
You answered your own question. He lied because he wanted it to seem like he was closer to Dylan and Eric than he really was. Even Dylan's Mom said she had no idea why Judy Brown would show up to her house on April 20th because Dylan and Brooks hadn't been friends in ages. I think one of the biggest problems that Eric had with Brooks was that he was a liar who lied about everything.

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Brooks lying in his book Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks lying in his book   Brooks lying in his book Icon_minitimeTue Apr 23, 2019 9:31 pm

Jenn wrote:
lol wrote:
Not sure why he lied multiple times in his book.
You answered your own question. He lied because he wanted it to seem like he was closer to Dylan and Eric than he really was. Even Dylan's Mom said she had no idea why Judy Brown would show up to her house on April 20th because Dylan and Brooks hadn't been friends in ages. I think one of the biggest problems that Eric had with Brooks was that he was a liar who lied about everything.

The Brown family, it seems, have a fascinating interest in Columbine that I can't understand. Mr. Brown, apparently, has a room inside his house called, "the war room," where he keeps copies of transcripts, documents, etc (God only knows what other Columbine-related evidence Mr. Brown collected and stored in this room over the years). If Brooks Brown was an acquaintance, and not a close friend, I find it harder to conceptualize why all this interest.
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Brooks lying in his book Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks lying in his book   Brooks lying in his book Icon_minitimeTue Apr 23, 2019 9:48 pm

jada887 wrote:
Jenn wrote:
lol wrote:
Not sure why he lied multiple times in his book.
You answered your own question. He lied because he wanted it to seem like he was closer to Dylan and Eric than he really was. Even Dylan's Mom said she had no idea why Judy Brown would show up to her house on April 20th because Dylan and Brooks hadn't been friends in ages. I think one of the biggest problems that Eric had with Brooks was that he was a liar who lied about everything.

The Brown family, it seems, have a fascinating interest in Columbine that I can't understand. Mr. Brown, apparently, has a room inside his house called, "the war room," where he keeps copies of transcripts, documents, etc (God only knows what other Columbine-related evidence Mr. Brown collected and stored in this room over the years). If Brooks Brown was an acquaintance, and not a close friend, I find it harder to conceptualize why all this interest.

Judy Brown seems like a real busybody, and Brooks Brown often comes across as an opportunistic exaggerator. But it is undeniably true that, if Jeffco had taken the Browns' complaints against Eric seriously, then NBK probably would not have happened.

It is possible that the Browns blame themselves for not pushing harder. I think Randy Brown feels at least partially responsible for not being able to stop Eric. Maybe he keeps running through a mental list of different things that he could have done. Personally, I don't think they have anything to feel guilty about - they did everything they could. Both Judy and Randy pursued the matter not only with the police but with Wayne and Kathy Harris, as well, and all of their efforts were in vain. Ultimately, Jeffco and the Harrises have to answer for their own negligence.

Why does anyone do anything?
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Brooks lying in his book Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks lying in his book   Brooks lying in his book Icon_minitimeWed Apr 24, 2019 12:24 am

Quote :
Judy Brown seems like a real busybody, and Brooks Brown often comes across as an opportunistic exaggerator. But it is undeniably true that, if Jeffco had taken the Browns' complaints against Eric seriously, then NBK probably would not have happened.

It is possible that the Browns blame themselves for not pushing harder. I think Randy Brown feels at least partially responsible for not being able to stop Eric. Maybe he keeps running through a mental list of different things that he could have done. Personally, I don't think they have anything to feel guilty about - they did everything they could. Both Judy and Randy pursued the matter not only with the police but with Wayne and Kathy Harris, as well, and all of their efforts were in vain. Ultimately, Jeffco and the Harrises have to answer for their own negligence.

So much this^

Minivans are not that much smaller than regular vans and I'll go to the f**king grave before I call them mini again.
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Brooks lying in his book Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks lying in his book   Brooks lying in his book Icon_minitimeWed Apr 24, 2019 1:04 am

LPorter101 wrote:
jada887 wrote:
Jenn wrote:
lol wrote:
Not sure why he lied multiple times in his book.
You answered your own question. He lied because he wanted it to seem like he was closer to Dylan and Eric than he really was. Even Dylan's Mom said she had no idea why Judy Brown would show up to her house on April 20th because Dylan and Brooks hadn't been friends in ages. I think one of the biggest problems that Eric had with Brooks was that he was a liar who lied about everything.

The Brown family, it seems, have a fascinating interest in Columbine that I can't understand. Mr. Brown, apparently, has a room inside his house called, "the war room," where he keeps copies of transcripts, documents, etc (God only knows what other Columbine-related evidence Mr. Brown collected and stored in this room over the years). If Brooks Brown was an acquaintance, and not a close friend, I find it harder to conceptualize why all this interest.

Judy Brown seems like a real busybody, and Brooks Brown often comes across as an opportunistic exaggerator. But it is undeniably true that, if Jeffco had taken the Browns' complaints against Eric seriously, then NBK probably would not have happened.

It is possible that the Browns blame themselves for not pushing harder. I think Randy Brown feels at least partially responsible for not being able to stop Eric. Maybe he keeps running through a mental list of different things that he could have done. Personally, I don't think they have anything to feel guilty about - they did everything they could. Both Judy and Randy pursued the matter not only with the police but with Wayne and Kathy Harris, as well, and all of their efforts were in vain. Ultimately, Jeffco and the Harrises have to answer for their own negligence.

I think Judy seems very nosy. Brooks is questionable at best. But I agree with you, if Jeffco had listened then the shooting might not have happened. The Browns, no matter how we all feel about them, do have a right to be upset over that. I think Randy obsesses over research so much due to guilt, as already mentioned.

That being said, I still don't really understand why the Browns got to see the Basement Tapes. Their child was not injured during the shooting nor did they lose their child. And obviously, they weren't the parents of either shooter. They really didn't have any right to see those tapes, and I think the only reason they saw them was because Brooks tried to push a narrative of him being very close to Dylan. That and the morning of the shooting. I'm in the boat that the conversation mostly likely never happened and if it did, then it was very different than what Brooks has told us.
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Brooks lying in his book Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks lying in his book   Brooks lying in his book Icon_minitimeWed Apr 24, 2019 1:22 am

Quote :
I think Judy seems very nosy. Brooks is questionable at best. But I agree with you, if Jeffco had listened then the shooting might not have happened. The Browns, no matter how we all feel about them, do have a right to be upset over that. I think Randy obsesses over research so much due to guilt, as already mentioned.

That being said, I still don't really understand why the Browns got to see the Basement Tapes. Their child was not injured during the shooting nor did they lose their child. And obviously, they weren't the parents of either shooter. They really didn't have any right to see those tapes, and I think the only reason they saw them was because Brooks tried to push a narrative of him being very close to Dylan. That and the morning of the shooting. I'm in the boat that the conversation mostly likely never happened and if it did, then it was very different than what Brooks has told us.

It was my understanding that the Browns simply pushed their way into the room when the basement tapes were being screened, with a "fuck you, try to stop us and we'll double down on our claim of negligence by your police department" sort of thing.  I'm fairly confident had they wanted to, any parent of a columbine student could have made a big enough fuss and got to see the tapes as well.

Minivans are not that much smaller than regular vans and I'll go to the f**king grave before I call them mini again.
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