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 Ripples of Columbine - YouTube Video

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Ripples of Columbine - YouTube Video Empty
PostSubject: Ripples of Columbine - YouTube Video   Ripples of Columbine - YouTube Video Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2019 4:45 am

Hey guys,

Found this video on YouTube called "Ripples of Columbine" and thought you'd be interested in it.

I'm only half way through the video, but we get to hear from Diweta: library survivor from Lauren and Kelly's table, Makai Hall: library survivor from Patrick Ireland's table, Lance Kirkland: exterior survivor and friend of Dan R if I'm not mistaken and Lance's father, a girl who was in the choir room (sorry I don't remember her name) and Coni Sanders: daughter of Dave Sanders and some of his grandchildren, one of whom was 7 at the time of the shooting and the other was just a baby and Mr DeAngelis.

It is interesting to hear the thoughts of the people who were at the epicenter of the tragedy. 20 years later and we are getting to hear new perspectives on the shooting from people I don't think we've heard much from in the 20 years since the shooting (of course, I don't include Mr D in that as we've all heard his story about 1000 times).

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Ripples of Columbine - YouTube Video
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