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 Dylans Brother

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Dylans Brother  Empty
PostSubject: Dylans Brother    Dylans Brother  Icon_minitimeSat Jun 29, 2019 11:40 am

I've read before that Dylan's brother was estranged from the family, though nothing I've seen has gone into any further detail on that other than mentioning drugs played a factor. Can anyone here provide more details?

Seems odd to me that Dylan's family would push their son out of their life like that, even if he was on hard drugs. Seems to me like his family was the more loving/forgiving/understanding type and that they would have done anything to try to help him/keep him safe. Giving their son the ol' "tough love" routine and booting him out onto the streets till he decides to help himself seems like the kind of approach a more conservative minded type family, such as Eric's, would have taken.

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PostSubject: Re: Dylans Brother    Dylans Brother  Icon_minitimeSat Jun 29, 2019 12:06 pm

Dylan stated in his Diversion documents that his brother had been kicked out of the house and estranged from the family because of drug use.
However, in Sue Klebold's book she said that they did not kick Byron out, he chose to move out. She said they were never estranged and Byron was frequently at the family home for dinner.

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PostSubject: Re: Dylans Brother    Dylans Brother  Icon_minitimeSat Jun 29, 2019 11:20 pm

sk92 wrote:
Dylan stated in his Diversion documents that his brother had been kicked out of the house and estranged from the family because of drug use.
However, in Sue Klebold's book she said that they did not kick Byron out, he chose to move out. She said they were never estranged and Byron was frequently at the family home for dinner.
Kind of hard to believe which is telling the truth. Sue, with all due respect more than likely has faced her share of demons, but I do believe she still tries to maintain a good look as much as she can.

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PostSubject: Re: Dylans Brother    Dylans Brother  Icon_minitimeSun Jun 30, 2019 9:27 am

lol wrote:
sk92 wrote:
Dylan stated in his Diversion documents that his brother had been kicked out of the house and estranged from the family because of drug use.
However, in Sue Klebold's book she said that they did not kick Byron out, he chose to move out. She said they were never estranged and Byron was frequently at the family home for dinner.
Kind of hard to believe which is telling the truth. Sue, with all due respect more than likely has faced her share of demons, but I do believe she still tries to maintain a good look as much as she can.

Exactly. Sue wouldn't be, as they call in policing, an independent witness. She has her own bias and motivation that she cannot, even if she's trying, detach herself from.

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PostSubject: Re: Dylans Brother    Dylans Brother  Icon_minitimeSun Jun 30, 2019 11:11 am

lol wrote:
Kind of hard to believe which is telling the truth. Sue, with all due respect more than likely has faced her share of demons, but I do believe she still tries to maintain a good look as much as she can.

I agree. I wasn't saying that I believe Sue or that she is telling the truth (In fact, I tend to believe Dylan), I was just stating what she wrote in her book. Apart from Dylan stating that Byron was estranged from the family in his Diversion documents, Sue's book is the only other source I know of that speaks about the subject. Sue definitely tries (as most people would) to paint herself in the best light possible.
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PostSubject: Re: Dylans Brother    Dylans Brother  Icon_minitime

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