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 What Dickies cd's did Lanza own?

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What Dickies cd's did Lanza own? Empty
PostSubject: What Dickies cd's did Lanza own?   What Dickies cd's did Lanza own? Icon_minitimeSun Jun 30, 2019 3:46 pm

Saw a pretty pixelated image of Adam's stacked cd pile. Began to wonder what Dickies albums did Lanza own. I know he owned "Killer Klowns", I'm not familiar with The Dickies enough to recognize the other albums by side.
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What Dickies cd's did Lanza own? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Dickies cd's did Lanza own?   What Dickies cd's did Lanza own? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2019 11:49 am

Almost certainly The Incredible Shrinking Dickies
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What Dickies cd's did Lanza own?
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