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  Could this be a hint about a BBS where Eric and Dylan used to play Doom?

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 Could this be a hint about a BBS where Eric and Dylan used to play Doom? Empty
PostSubject: Could this be a hint about a BBS where Eric and Dylan used to play Doom?    Could this be a hint about a BBS where Eric and Dylan used to play Doom? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 07, 2019 6:06 am

so I was browsing Reddit and I stumbled upon this

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then the discussion was cross-posted to the Columbine subreddit with a significant particular:

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and it turns out that "Mystical Realms" is a BBS actually exists (found it there [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and it hosts many games that can be played through Telnet (some of which, I bet, were E&D favorites)

your thoughts on this?

GeoCities fangirl
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 Could this be a hint about a BBS where Eric and Dylan used to play Doom? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Could this be a hint about a BBS where Eric and Dylan used to play Doom?    Could this be a hint about a BBS where Eric and Dylan used to play Doom? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 07, 2019 8:48 am

I saw that as well. I guess I'm skeptical because the Internet Archive doesn't have anything prior to 2009. You'd think there would be at least something if it's been up that long. Unless the URL scheme for tripod changed. I mean, they have my crappy GeoCities page that I used to practice HTML in 2001 of all things.

Probably chalk it up to one of those things we will never know for certain.
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Could this be a hint about a BBS where Eric and Dylan used to play Doom?
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