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 Unusual weapons used in assassinations?

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Unusual weapons used in assassinations? Empty
PostSubject: Unusual weapons used in assassinations?   Unusual weapons used in assassinations? Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2019 1:52 pm

One year ago I made a topic named [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] which covers mass murders with unusual weapons. Today I have wondered if there has been assassinations, or presidentials assassinations with unusual weapons? I do not know any example. If anyone can help me, list a assassin or failed-assassin with a unusual weapon here.

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Unusual weapons used in assassinations? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Unusual weapons used in assassinations?   Unusual weapons used in assassinations? Icon_minitimeSat Aug 24, 2019 10:04 am

I was thinking, since gun laws are getting more strict, especially in the European zone, that if criminals wanted to commit mass murder with those higher numbers, they would have to use common everyday items that anyone can buy. But assuming that guns are banned and explosives are basically off-limits too, since just making a bomb is a very skilled activity and is easy to trace and shutdown in a civilized country where people don’t really need 500 kg of ammonium nitrate or the chemicals to make it in such high quantities, you would have to use weapons that are much more basic and easy to access. This is where knives mainly come in, as they tend to be the weapon of choice in most countries with stricter gun laws. In the other thread where I talked about mass stabbings, I mentioned 9/11, which killed 2,977 people and injured over 33,000 others. They used highly unusual weapons to commit the attack, such as utility knives, multitools and stolen airplanes. It was what lead to increased security measures at airports so that such an event wouldn’t happen anytime in the future. Then you also have fire. One of the plans the hijackers discussed during their planning phase was sabotaging a nuclear facility, likely by detonating a bomb outside a power plant to cause smelly air and acid rain. Basically a dirty bomb. What one could do instead is to simply buy a slingshot, an incendiary device and a 50 cent lighter from Wal-Mart to start bush fires everywhere during the summer. This would be just as effective as a truck bomb.

Then you also have car-ramming rampages, among other weapons used for amok attacks.
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Unusual weapons used in assassinations? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Unusual weapons used in assassinations?   Unusual weapons used in assassinations? Icon_minitimeSat Aug 24, 2019 4:38 pm

Prednisolone wrote:
I was thinking, since gun laws are getting more strict, especially in the European zone, that if criminals wanted to commit mass murder with those higher numbers, they would have to use common everyday items that anyone can buy. But assuming that guns are banned and explosives are basically off-limits too, since just making a bomb is a very skilled activity and is easy to trace and shutdown in a civilized country where people don’t really need 500 kg of ammonium nitrate or the chemicals to make it in such high quantities, you would have to use weapons that are much more basic and easy to access. This is where knives mainly come in, as they tend to be the weapon of choice in most countries with stricter gun laws. In the other thread where I talked about mass stabbings, I mentioned 9/11, which killed 2,977 people and injured over 33,000 others. They used highly unusual weapons to commit the attack, such as utility knives, multitools and stolen airplanes. It was what lead to increased security measures at airports so that such an event wouldn’t happen anytime in the future. Then you also have fire. One of the plans the hijackers discussed during their planning phase was sabotaging a nuclear facility, likely by detonating a bomb outside a power plant to cause smelly air and acid rain. Basically a dirty bomb. What one could do instead is to simply buy a slingshot, an incendiary device and a 50 cent lighter from Wal-Mart to start bush fires everywhere during the summer. This would be just as effective as a truck bomb.

Then you also have car-ramming rampages, among other weapons used for amok attacks.
Thanks for replying! I have seen your topic. It's great and informative. Keep up the good job!
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Unusual weapons used in assassinations? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Unusual weapons used in assassinations?   Unusual weapons used in assassinations? Icon_minitimeSat Aug 24, 2019 4:42 pm

There was Giuseppe Marco Fieschi who attempted to assassinate King Louis-Philippe with a volley gun but failed and ended up only becoming the first mass shooter in world history (Unless you count bow and arrows as guns)
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Unusual weapons used in assassinations? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Unusual weapons used in assassinations?   Unusual weapons used in assassinations? Icon_minitimeSat Aug 24, 2019 6:03 pm

TheOne99 wrote:
There was Giuseppe Marco Fieschi who attempted to assassinate King Louis-Philippe with a volley gun but failed and ended up only becoming the first mass shooter in world history (Unless you count bow and arrows as guns)
Interesting! And, the first perhaps non-political mass shooter was, an unknown sepoy who murdered six people and wounded four others with a Martini-Henry in 1878 in Hyderabad, British Raj. Link to the Wikipedia's article. I have mentioned it before here. Greetings!
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Posts : 48
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Forum Reputation : 48
Join date : 2019-06-19

Unusual weapons used in assassinations? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Unusual weapons used in assassinations?   Unusual weapons used in assassinations? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 25, 2019 5:32 am

>Thanks for replying! I have seen your topic. It's great and informative. Keep up the good job!

You’re welcome!
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Unusual weapons used in assassinations? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Unusual weapons used in assassinations?   Unusual weapons used in assassinations? Icon_minitime

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