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 Shooting in Brooklyn: One dead and 11 injured

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School Massacre Archives

School Massacre Archives

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Shooting in Brooklyn: One dead and 11 injured Empty
PostSubject: Shooting in Brooklyn: One dead and 11 injured   Shooting in Brooklyn: One dead and 11 injured Icon_minitimeSun Jul 28, 2019 8:47 am

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"At least one person has died and 11 others injured after a mass shooting in Brooklyn, New York City, police said.

Six people were taken to hospital following the incident in Brownsville, with some victims in a critical condition according to a fire department spokesperson who described the situation as “fluid”.

At 38-year-old man was killed during the shooting, after being hit by a single bullet in the head, according to the New York City police department.

He was recorded as dead on arrival at a local hospital and his identity has not been confirmed.

A spokesperson said the shooting, which occurred late on Saturday, left “11, possibly 12” people injured.

He could not confirm their conditions but said no arrests had been made.

“We had a terrible shooting in Brownsville tonight that shattered a peaceful neighbourhood event. Our hearts go out to the victims,” Bill de Blasio, the city’s mayor, said on Twitter.

“We will do everything in our power to keep this community safe and get guns off our streets.”

The community event is thought to be an Old Timers Event.

A 2010 newsletter described it as a celebration of “former members of the centre who went on to success and fame in sports and other endeavours”.

A flyer for the celebration, which includes a concert and other events, said Saturday’s event was to begin at 6pm on Hegermen Avenue, in the vicinity of the site of the shooting.

Videos posted on social media showed police clearing large groups of people out of the area around the Brownsville recreation centre following the attack.

Photos from local news outlets showed several people taken from the scene on stretchers.

Brownsville is an area that has previously struggled with gun violence.

“Our community mourns again. We should be able to have fun in open spaces without fear of violence,” said Roxanne J. Persaud, a state senator whose constituency includes Brownsville.

“Respect your community. We are better than the violence.”

“One of the worst experiences of my life,” said Alicka Amprey-Samuel, council member for New York City’s 41st District.

“How does such a beautiful and peaceful event become overshadowed by tragedy in seconds?”"

The fact that no arrests have been made yet is kinda concerning.

Owner of the official School Massacre Archives YouTube channel.
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Tommy QTR

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PostSubject: Re: Shooting in Brooklyn: One dead and 11 injured   Shooting in Brooklyn: One dead and 11 injured Icon_minitimeSun Jul 28, 2019 10:42 am

I think this is most likely to be gang related.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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School Massacre Archives

School Massacre Archives

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PostSubject: Re: Shooting in Brooklyn: One dead and 11 injured   Shooting in Brooklyn: One dead and 11 injured Icon_minitimeSun Jul 28, 2019 11:09 am

Tommy QTR wrote:
I think this is most likely to be gang related.

That's what I think too.

Owner of the official School Massacre Archives YouTube channel.
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