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 Fresh of the press

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PostSubject: Fresh of the press   Fresh of the press Icon_minitimeMon Aug 05, 2019 11:53 pm

Thought you guys would like to see this :

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PostSubject: Re: Fresh of the press   Fresh of the press Icon_minitimeTue Aug 06, 2019 3:54 am

I wondered what the exact results of the survey were, but the article does not provide the info.

I mean, is anyone else tired of articles that take six paragraphs to say nothing and have you listening to a completely unrelated autoplay videos about a bear eating out of a fucking dumpster?

EDIT: From another newspaper:

Nearly 7,000 people took the survey, and opponents of the proposal outweighed supporters 60 to 40, officials said.

I wonder if the Littleton folks, at least some of them, and probably the ones who weren't alive then, have accepted that Columbine is simply part of their history and began to fancy it somewhat. In the end, people stopping by is not necessarily a bad thing.

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Age : 36

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PostSubject: Re: Fresh of the press   Fresh of the press Icon_minitimeTue Aug 06, 2019 8:47 am

It makes no sense to just demolish the school. Real columbine fanatics are not just visiting the school. They visit the homes of the shooters and their friends, the memorial, the park, even the places where the boys worked and hung out etc. Are they going to demolish and rename the town too?

Hold me now I need to feel complete
Like I matter to the one I need
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PostSubject: Re: Fresh of the press   Fresh of the press Icon_minitimeTue Aug 06, 2019 2:51 pm

patogen wrote:
I wondered what the exact results of the survey were, but the article does not provide the info.

I mean, is anyone else tired of articles that take six paragraphs to say nothing and have you listening to a completely unrelated autoplay videos about a bear eating out of a fucking dumpster?

EDIT: From another newspaper:

Nearly 7,000 people took the survey, and opponents of the proposal outweighed supporters 60 to 40, officials said.

I wonder if the Littleton folks, at least some of them, and probably the ones who weren't alive then, have accepted that Columbine is simply part of their history and began to fancy it somewhat. In the end, people stopping by is not necessarily a bad thing.  

I was curious what the actual outcome was in a thread we had about this survey previously. Thank you for posting this! I couldn't find the information.

I agree with what Lizpuff said. The people who go to Littleton because of Columbine don't just visit the school. They visit all the places Eric and Dylan lived and hung out at. Demolishing the school wouldn't stop anyone from coming to Littleton to gawk over the shooting.
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PostSubject: Re: Fresh of the press   Fresh of the press Icon_minitime

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