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 Do we know what kind of computers they used?

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Do we know what kind of computers they used? Empty
PostSubject: Do we know what kind of computers they used?   Do we know what kind of computers they used? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2013 2:21 am

Pure curiosity, but does anyone know?
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Do we know what kind of computers they used? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do we know what kind of computers they used?   Do we know what kind of computers they used? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2013 2:31 am

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I'm not sure there is any information on Dylan's computer. I think  I remember hearing he got a new one in Christmas 98' but I could be wrong.
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Do we know what kind of computers they used? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do we know what kind of computers they used?   Do we know what kind of computers they used? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2013 3:10 am

Mr_Chagrin wrote:
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I'm not sure there is any information on Dylan's computer. I think  I remember hearing he got a new one in Christmas 98' but I could be wrong.

I thought he build his own.

Ignorance is bliss!-Dylan Klebold
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PostSubject: Re: Do we know what kind of computers they used?   Do we know what kind of computers they used? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2013 3:14 am

tragedy79 wrote:
Mr_Chagrin wrote:
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I'm not sure there is any information on Dylan's computer. I think  I remember hearing he got a new one in Christmas 98' but I could be wrong.

I thought he build his own.

I wish I could remember where I read that, but it's a shame that he had to go and delete all his computer files.  Crying or Very sad 
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Do we know what kind of computers they used? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do we know what kind of computers they used?   Do we know what kind of computers they used? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2013 3:18 am

Mr_Chagrin wrote:
tragedy79 wrote:
Mr_Chagrin wrote:
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I'm not sure there is any information on Dylan's computer. I think  I remember hearing he got a new one in Christmas 98' but I could be wrong.

I thought he build his own.

I wish I could remember where I read that, but it's a shame that he had to go and delete all his computer files.  Crying or Very sad 

Agree! I don't know what I would want to see more...The Basement Tapes or Dylan's fixed harddrive...or actually what's on the harddrive ;)

Ignorance is bliss!-Dylan Klebold

Last edited by tragedy79 on Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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Do we know what kind of computers they used? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do we know what kind of computers they used?   Do we know what kind of computers they used? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2013 3:22 am

tragedy79 wrote:
Mr_Chagrin wrote:
tragedy79 wrote:
Mr_Chagrin wrote:
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I'm not sure there is any information on Dylan's computer. I think  I remember hearing he got a new one in Christmas 98' but I could be wrong.

I thought he build his own.

I wish I could remember where I read that, but it's a shame that he had to go and delete all his computer files.  Crying or Very sad 

Agree! I don't know what I would want to see more...The Basement Tapes or Dylan's fixed harddrive...or excually what's on the harddrive ;) 

I wonder if the LE attempted to recover the files on his harddrive? It would have been perfectly possible if they took the initiative. I'm sure Dylan didn't go through the trouble of formatting it seven or eight times.
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Do we know what kind of computers they used? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do we know what kind of computers they used?   Do we know what kind of computers they used? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2013 10:51 pm

Mr_Chagrin wrote:
tragedy79 wrote:
Mr_Chagrin wrote:
tragedy79 wrote:
Mr_Chagrin wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I'm not sure there is any information on Dylan's computer. I think  I remember hearing he got a new one in Christmas 98' but I could be wrong.

I thought he build his own.

I wish I could remember where I read that, but it's a shame that he had to go and delete all his computer files.  Crying or Very sad 

Agree! I don't know what I would want to see more...The Basement Tapes or Dylan's fixed harddrive...or excually what's on the harddrive ;) 

I wonder if the LE attempted to recover the files on his harddrive? It would have been perfectly possible if they took the initiative. I'm sure Dylan didn't go through the trouble of formatting it seven or eight times.

It's likely they extracted some data and never released it. Dylan didn't smash his hdrive like Adam Lanza did and the authorities are still attempting to recover data off Lanza's drive.  FDisking a couple of times will not wipe everything.

Their general computer equipment can be found here. Dylan appeared to have three computers, two PCs (one he built) and an apple and a Umax scanner.  I believe Eric's one PC was the shared family computer?

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Do we know what kind of computers they used? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do we know what kind of computers they used?   Do we know what kind of computers they used? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 12, 2013 7:08 pm

Evidence Logs:
Item 213 - CPU Gateway 2000/ MOD GP6 - 300 pg(11552) - Harris
Item 216 - Computer Monitor NEC pg(11552) - Harris
Item 218 - Printer/ HP 682C pg(11552) -Harris

Item 418 - CPU Acer pg(11562) - Klebold
Item 426 - Umax Astra 1220u scanner pg(11563)  - Klebold
Item 427 - Mini Tower CPU pg(11563) - Klebold
Item 430 - NEC Multi sync 3FGX Monitor pg(11563) - Klebold

CBI Evidence Exhibit item  / Jefferson County Item number pg(12038,12044 +12039)

#1 Apple CPU - Klebold - was found to be a LINUX format drive. A copy was made and sent to the FBI National Laboratory. The FBI provided several files from their analysis, but no information related to guns, the shooting, or the making of bombs were recovered.
#2 Acer CPU - Klebold - was found to have no disks drives.
#3 Minitower CPU - Klebold - was found to have one completely blank drive from which all files had been deleted and overwritten./ The second drive in exhibit 3 was found to contain various 3-D games.
#4 Gateway CPU / MOD GP6-300 - Harris - was found to contain a copy of the Anarchist's Cookbook, and various school assignments from Eric Harris. Several of these appear to be creative writing assignments and deal with violence and dream sequences similar to the shooting.

In the property release section posted within this thread it shows the item 'Gateway CPU Computer' was released to Wayne Harris pg(11785)
Released to Tom Klebold was: Computer part, (Acer) CPU, Apple CPU, Umax Scanner, Mini Tower CPU, Keyboard and Mouse, NEC Monitor pg(11792 + 4)

You can make out a computer here been taken from the Harris residence on 4/20.
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In Eric's 'Rebldomakr' profile under 'Computers' it says "pentium75, 8megs of RAM, soon will be better....."
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On his 'REB DoMiNe' AOL profile under 'Computers' Eric wrote "cow."
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Perhaps this second one was the Gateway Computer.
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Do we know what kind of computers they used? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do we know what kind of computers they used?   Do we know what kind of computers they used? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 12, 2013 8:18 pm

Nice photo album, but the stupid "Best Buy" commercial made it nearly impossible for me to look at them. Every time I close it and click on the next picture, the stupid thing pops right back up!

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Dignified and true
And do unto others
As you'd have done to you”
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Do we know what kind of computers they used? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do we know what kind of computers they used?   Do we know what kind of computers they used? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 16, 2013 9:40 am

queenfarooq wrote:
Evidence Logs:
Item 213 - CPU Gateway 2000/ MOD GP6 - 300 pg(11552) - Harris
Item 216 - Computer Monitor NEC pg(11552) - Harris
Item 218 - Printer/ HP 682C pg(11552) -Harris

Item 418 - CPU Acer pg(11562) - Klebold
Item 426 - Umax Astra 1220u scanner pg(11563)  - Klebold
Item 427 - Mini Tower CPU pg(11563) - Klebold
Item 430 - NEC Multi sync 3FGX Monitor pg(11563) - Klebold

CBI Evidence Exhibit item  / Jefferson County Item number pg(12038,12044 +12039)

#1 Apple CPU - Klebold - was found to be a LINUX format drive. A copy was made and sent to the FBI National Laboratory. The FBI provided several files from their analysis, but no information related to guns, the shooting, or the making of bombs were recovered.
#2 Acer CPU - Klebold - was found to have no disks drives.
#3 Minitower CPU - Klebold - was found to have one completely blank drive from which all files had been deleted and overwritten./ The second drive in exhibit 3 was found to contain various 3-D games.
#4 Gateway CPU / MOD GP6-300 - Harris - was found to contain a copy of the Anarchist's Cookbook, and various school assignments from Eric Harris. Several of these appear to be creative writing assignments and deal with violence and dream sequences similar to the shooting.

In the property release section posted within this thread it shows the item 'Gateway CPU Computer' was released to Wayne Harris pg(11785)
Released to Tom Klebold was: Computer part, (Acer) CPU, Apple CPU, Umax Scanner, Mini Tower CPU, Keyboard and Mouse, NEC Monitor pg(11792 + 4)

You can make out a computer here been taken from the Harris residence on 4/20.
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In Eric's 'Rebldomakr' profile under 'Computers' it says "pentium75, 8megs of RAM, soon will be better....."
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On his 'REB DoMiNe' AOL profile under 'Computers' Eric wrote "cow."
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Perhaps this second one was the Gateway Computer.

Yeah it's probably a reference to the Gateway logo which was a box with a black and white cow pattern on it.

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And also that it was probably old and slow. Gateway computers are kind of entry level, even in the late 90s.
Dylan on the other hand seemed to have higher end machines. Even an apple.

So if the computers were eventually returned to the Harris' and Klebold's I would reckon they're probably in a trash dump somewhere by now.
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Do we know what kind of computers they used? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do we know what kind of computers they used?   Do we know what kind of computers they used? Icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2018 9:12 pm

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I'm guessing this is what Eric's setup would have been.
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PostSubject: Re: Do we know what kind of computers they used?   Do we know what kind of computers they used? Icon_minitime

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Do we know what kind of computers they used?
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