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 Eric Harris old home video with family

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Eric Harris old home video with family Empty
PostSubject: Eric Harris old home video with family   Eric Harris old home video with family Icon_minitimeSun Sep 22, 2019 3:02 pm

I swear I saw a youtube video once (a few months ago, it was linked on tumblr - but I can't find it anywhere now, help!) where it was Eric playing with his cousins, I suppose, on a family reunion home tape that was made in the late '80s, I believe. Whoever was filming him called him ''Harris'', which is how his father used to call him sometimes (I've read about this somewhere) and it genuinely looked like Eric.
If anyone knows what I'm talking about, please share the link to the video; I've been trying to find it again for so long.
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Eric Harris old home video with family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris old home video with family   Eric Harris old home video with family Icon_minitimeSun Sep 22, 2019 4:17 pm

I would be very surprised if this was real.

I’ve been a researcher since the beginning. I took a very long time off but I think the rarest video that I’ve seen that I don’t think many People who are researching now have seen is the soccer video.

The Harrises have been incredibly tight lipped so it would be very surprising if something like that was leaked. Also I have never heard of Wayne calling Eric by his last name. I would like to see Something that confirms it

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Eric Harris old home video with family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris old home video with family   Eric Harris old home video with family Icon_minitimeSun Sep 22, 2019 9:09 pm

Screamingophelia wrote:
I would be very surprised if this was real.

I’ve been a researcher since the beginning. I took a very long time off but I think the rarest video that I’ve seen that I don’t think many People who are researching now have seen is the soccer video.

The Harrises have been incredibly tight lipped so it would be very surprising if something like that was leaked.  Also I have never heard of Wayne calling Eric by his last name. I would like to see Something that confirms it

I've got to agree. I'd be so surprised if this is real. The Columbine community is so desperate for new information and tidbits that I think they would have jumped on this already and it would be everywhere.
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Eric Harris old home video with family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris old home video with family   Eric Harris old home video with family Icon_minitimeMon Sep 23, 2019 7:03 am

hvernon wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
I would be very surprised if this was real.

I’ve been a researcher since the beginning. I took a very long time off but I think the rarest video that I’ve seen that I don’t think many People who are researching now have seen is the soccer video.

The Harrises have been incredibly tight lipped so it would be very surprising if something like that was leaked.  Also I have never heard of Wayne calling Eric by his last name. I would like to see Something that confirms it

I've got to agree. I'd be so surprised if this is real. The Columbine community is so desperate for new information and tidbits that I think they would have jumped on this already and it would be everywhere.

Can you send that soccer video?
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Eric Harris old home video with family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris old home video with family   Eric Harris old home video with family Icon_minitimeMon Sep 23, 2019 8:07 am

I saw this video on Youtube but i didn't pay it attention because it was another familly than the Harris we are talking about. You would see a typical family from the 80's in a living room with a baby playing and the fews people in the comment believed it was Eric because at some point an adult call him "Harris" ( who call a baby by his last name anyway ? ).
Their was another scene in a garden if i remember correctly but i am not sure about that.

What i remember is this was posted on a random channel and title was something like "Harris anniversary/party" and you would NOT recognize any member of Eric family that we know (Wayne, Katty, Kevin or even his grandpa).
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Eric Harris old home video with family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris old home video with family   Eric Harris old home video with family Icon_minitimeMon Sep 23, 2019 9:01 am

R4YN3 wrote:
hvernon wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
I would be very surprised if this was real.

I’ve been a researcher since the beginning. I took a very long time off but I think the rarest video that I’ve seen that I don’t think many People who are researching now have seen is the soccer video.

The Harrises have been incredibly tight lipped so it would be very surprising if something like that was leaked.  Also I have never heard of Wayne calling Eric by his last name. I would like to see Something that confirms it

I've got to agree. I'd be so surprised if this is real. The Columbine community is so desperate for new information and tidbits that I think they would have jumped on this already and it would be everywhere.

Can you send that soccer video?

IIRC she is looking for it.

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Like I matter to the one I need
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Eric Harris old home video with family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris old home video with family   Eric Harris old home video with family Icon_minitimeMon Sep 23, 2019 9:52 am

The video is legitmate only on Tumblr, which is home to the Columbine fanfiction community and everything that is said as facts on there are probably not.

The video has nothing to do with Eric or Columbine in the real world, though.
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Eric Harris old home video with family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris old home video with family   Eric Harris old home video with family Icon_minitimeTue Sep 24, 2019 12:04 am

I haven't ever heard of a soccer video. I agree that a cousin video seems very unlikely to be real - the Harris's are frustratingly silent (though in their position, I would be too.)

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Eric Harris old home video with family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris old home video with family   Eric Harris old home video with family Icon_minitimeTue Sep 24, 2019 4:28 am

Unfortunately, Dateline footage, unless aired on a separate news program is not licensable from NBC and NBC doesn't give out footage for personal use. So unless the original owner of the video posts it, someone finds a taped copy of it and posts it, or NBC releases old episodes then we are SOL on ever seeing it.

I was able to find a video tape from 1999 titled An American Tragedy which contains portions of the particular Dateline program that the soccer footage aired on, but it doesn't contain the actual soccer footage. HOWEVER, the video tape does contain some clips the "lost" video where kids have a shootout in the parking lot and Columbine blows up.
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Eric Harris old home video with family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris old home video with family   Eric Harris old home video with family Icon_minitimeTue Sep 24, 2019 6:40 am

When I went home for Christmas I did bring back some VHS tapes to take a look at. I did have a 3 second clip of the dateline opening and then the rest of it was taped overBut I don’t know if that was the actual interview. With this soccer footage. I saw it when it originally aired and I taped interviews and stuff like that back in the day

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Eric Harris old home video with family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris old home video with family   Eric Harris old home video with family Icon_minitimeTue Sep 24, 2019 7:09 am

Perhaps this isn't the right topic for this particular thread, but PaintItBlack had posted the transcript for the program on here and it's definitely the one that I have pieces of.

I remembered seeing you post that you were going to look but couldn't really find an answer of whether or not you had found it. Thank you! The transcript says something about a team banquet, and mentions Eric wearing a hat backwards and smiling. Do you remember if they were 2 different videos? Or any other details from it?

Also, do you know if you happened to tape any of the Today show or Good Morning America? There were some videos of Dylan that had aired on both in the wake of Columbine. Some of which have gotten lost over time. Such as the donut clip that was supposedly from Nate.

no irony, but only tragedy
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Other Crimes Moderator & Top 10 Contributor

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Eric Harris old home video with family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris old home video with family   Eric Harris old home video with family Icon_minitimeTue Sep 24, 2019 10:26 am

spishakwax wrote:
Perhaps this isn't the right topic for this particular thread, but PaintItBlack had posted the transcript for the program on here and it's definitely the one that I have pieces of.

I remembered seeing you post that you were going to look but couldn't really find an answer of whether or not you had found it. Thank you! The transcript says something about a team banquet, and mentions Eric wearing a hat backwards and smiling. Do you remember if they were 2 different videos? Or any other details from it?

Also, do you know if you happened to tape any of the Today show or Good Morning America? There were some videos of Dylan that had aired on both in the wake of Columbine. Some of which have gotten lost over time. Such as the donut clip that was supposedly from Nate.

I don’t remember too much of what I had. I know I watched a lot of coverage and I think the soccer and banquet videos were in the same segment. I think Eric was in Littleton then and a teenager...

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Eric Harris old home video with family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris old home video with family   Eric Harris old home video with family Icon_minitimeFri Dec 27, 2019 6:39 pm

Supacocky wrote:
( who call a baby by his last name anyway ? ).

I know a kid at school who's name is Haris
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