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 Alexandre Bissonnette's search history?

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Alexandre Bissonnette's search history? Empty
PostSubject: Alexandre Bissonnette's search history?   Alexandre Bissonnette's search history? Icon_minitime22/10/19, 12:10 pm

I recently watched the Fifth Estate documentary on him, and in one segment they showed a paper with things he looked up on the internet, is there any online link where i can read his search history in its entirety?
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Primate Murder
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Alexandre Bissonnette's search history? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alexandre Bissonnette's search history?   Alexandre Bissonnette's search history? Icon_minitime22/10/19, 12:15 pm

Now this looks like a job for me: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Not the entirety of the search history, but it adds more.

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Alexandre Bissonnette's search history? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alexandre Bissonnette's search history?   Alexandre Bissonnette's search history? Icon_minitime23/10/19, 03:50 am

Primate Murder wrote:
Now this looks like a job for me: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Not the entirety of the search history, but it adds more.

It's all written in French! Reeeeeeeee

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Alexandre Bissonnette's search history? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alexandre Bissonnette's search history?   Alexandre Bissonnette's search history? Icon_minitime23/10/19, 04:06 am

QuestionMark wrote:
Primate Murder wrote:
Now this looks like a job for me: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Not the entirety of the search history, but it adds more.

It's all written in French! Reeeeeeeee

Atleast theres Google Translate
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Alexandre Bissonnette's search history? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alexandre Bissonnette's search history?   Alexandre Bissonnette's search history? Icon_minitime22/09/22, 11:20 pm

On a slightly unrelated note, my search history is pretty random, and most of what I have searched over the years is out of pure curiosity.

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Alexandre Bissonnette's search history? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alexandre Bissonnette's search history?   Alexandre Bissonnette's search history? Icon_minitime

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