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 'The Killer' Columbine-related chapter from Monroe's Savage Appetites

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'The Killer' Columbine-related chapter from Monroe's Savage Appetites Empty
PostSubject: 'The Killer' Columbine-related chapter from Monroe's Savage Appetites   'The Killer' Columbine-related chapter from Monroe's Savage Appetites Icon_minitimeMon Nov 25, 2019 9:37 am

Earlier in 2019, Rachel Monroe's Savage Appetites: Four True Stories of Women, Crime, and Obsession was published. Her book explores the appeal of true crime for women through four stories of ladies whose fascination with things dark and grim led them to variously innovate new forensic investigation techniques, become deeply embedded in the family of a Manson Family murder victim, advocate for the overturning of a death row sentence, and plan a mass shooting. She's a fantastic writer, and very good at telling a many-layered story that draws you in quickly. Her research is also extremely well-done, and embedded in the narrative in a way that doesn't break the flow of her storytelling, but enhances it.

I know some here will at least be interested in her chapter on Lindsay Souvannarath. I didn't think it quite fit in the big folder of Columbine-related academic articles I've been putting together, so here it is on its own. The entire book is worth checking out, though.

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'The Killer' Columbine-related chapter from Monroe's Savage Appetites
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