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 June 2001 - man steals gun, commits suicide with it, still unidentified

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June 2001 - man steals gun, commits suicide with it, still unidentified Empty
PostSubject: June 2001 - man steals gun, commits suicide with it, still unidentified   June 2001 - man steals gun, commits suicide with it, still unidentified Icon_minitimeMon Dec 30, 2019 1:56 am

I was just wondering throught John/Jane Does cases, and found this case which struck me:

On June 16, 2001 at 5.20 pm the unidentified man attacked a policeman with a knife and stole his gun. At 7pm the police heard a shotgun in the Kochstrasse 65. The man had shot himself in his head with the stolen gun. This all happened in Berlin, Germany.

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Reconstruction of the man

Height: 6'0"
Weight: Slim build
Hair Color: Short dark brown
Estimated Age: 25-35 years old
Clothing: Grey roll-collar sweater; black leather jacket, dark-blue Jeans Levis 501, black shoes of the brand Puma, dark-brown cap with the label Wile E. and a small Comic design at the left side.
Additional Personal Items: He was carrying a set of keys and cigarettes.

To this day the man remains unidentified. I thought that this was a interesting way to commit suicide. I hope this man is at peace right now.

What do you think? Will he ever be identified? I pray that, in 2020 he can return home.

Link: Doe Network article, Polizei Berlin

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June 2001 - man steals gun, commits suicide with it, still unidentified Empty
PostSubject: Re: June 2001 - man steals gun, commits suicide with it, still unidentified   June 2001 - man steals gun, commits suicide with it, still unidentified Icon_minitimeTue Dec 31, 2019 8:16 pm


Last edited by Duluth on Fri Aug 28, 2020 2:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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June 2001 - man steals gun, commits suicide with it, still unidentified Empty
PostSubject: Re: June 2001 - man steals gun, commits suicide with it, still unidentified   June 2001 - man steals gun, commits suicide with it, still unidentified Icon_minitimeTue Dec 31, 2019 9:06 pm

Duluth wrote:
Perhaps an undocumented illegal immigrant. The skin tone makes me think Turkish or Albanian.
Interesting theory. Also, do you think there's a possibility that he may be a gun enthusiast? The cap makes me think that he may have liked guns. Sorry if I sound a bit biased, but when I see people wearing caps and guns, I just captured the image forever in my mind.
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June 2001 - man steals gun, commits suicide with it, still unidentified Empty
PostSubject: Re: June 2001 - man steals gun, commits suicide with it, still unidentified   June 2001 - man steals gun, commits suicide with it, still unidentified Icon_minitime

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June 2001 - man steals gun, commits suicide with it, still unidentified
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