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 Some creepy coincidence I found between Columbine and Thurston

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Some creepy coincidence I found between Columbine and Thurston Empty
PostSubject: Some creepy coincidence I found between Columbine and Thurston   Some creepy coincidence I found between Columbine and Thurston Icon_minitimeSat Jan 25, 2020 4:56 pm

As I am reading Reed Colemans book the Sheltered Storm, I noticed this line in Chapter 8:

"He had been watching the news himself. A friend remembers being in his company when they heard about the Jonesboro shooting, and how they both agreed that it was “pretty cool”…. except, the boy from Shangri-La had some ideas on how to “improve” on it. He wanted to make the formula more lethal: just two weeks before being caught with the gun, he had told another friend that he “wanted to lock [all] the doors except for one, put a bomb in the cafeteria, and then pick people off one-by-one after the bomb exploded and they tried to escape.”
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Some creepy coincidence I found between Columbine and Thurston Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some creepy coincidence I found between Columbine and Thurston   Some creepy coincidence I found between Columbine and Thurston Icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2020 12:47 pm

Its not really a coincidence I the cafeteria is the place that has the most people so of course they would both attack that.
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Some creepy coincidence I found between Columbine and Thurston
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