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 Where "Eric in Columbine" video was found?

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Where "Eric in Columbine" video was found?  Empty
PostSubject: Where "Eric in Columbine" video was found?    Where "Eric in Columbine" video was found?  Icon_minitimeSun Mar 14, 2021 10:54 pm

Is there any information about how police got this video - from Harrises, from Eric Veik, from school?
And what was the point of that video, in your opinion?

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Where "Eric in Columbine" video was found?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where "Eric in Columbine" video was found?    Where "Eric in Columbine" video was found?  Icon_minitimeMon Mar 15, 2021 7:06 am

I still find that video strange. I thought that Eric was not very noticeable among his friends to have an almost complete recording dedicated to him. Sometimes I think that this video leaves the feeling as if they knew what was going to happen and they recorded it to have a last image of Eric although it was not like that. I find it a curious and a bit strange video. But I think it could just be a simple video to test his camera or something like that...
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Where "Eric in Columbine" video was found?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where "Eric in Columbine" video was found?    Where "Eric in Columbine" video was found?  Icon_minitimeMon Mar 15, 2021 2:41 pm

I think Eric Veik gave the copies to the police and Harris had the idea to record the videos because he wanted people to watch as the other videos later to the event
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Where "Eric in Columbine" video was found?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where "Eric in Columbine" video was found?    Where "Eric in Columbine" video was found?  Icon_minitimeMon Mar 15, 2021 6:54 pm

I would guess Eric Veik gave it to the police as evidence to see if it was something like the Basement Tapes, as well as the other tapes such as Hitmen for Hire, Car wash commercial and Radioactive clothing.
I don't have a clear idea of why it was recorded though, perhaps it was just to show what Columbine was like and what their lives were like day-to-day.

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Where "Eric in Columbine" video was found?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where "Eric in Columbine" video was found?    Where "Eric in Columbine" video was found?  Icon_minitime

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Where "Eric in Columbine" video was found?
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