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 YouTube tribute videos to shooters?

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YouTube tribute videos to shooters? Empty
PostSubject: YouTube tribute videos to shooters?   YouTube tribute videos to shooters? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 09, 2020 7:40 pm

I heard on the online book The Sheltered Storm, from 2006 to 2009, multiple videos would be posted which glorified school/mass shooters (Which also included Auvinen's tributes to the Columbine shooters) Does anyone have any links to these type of videos that appear to be from that time period? I know you can pretty much still find the exact same type of videos on YouTube today, but for some reason im interested in seeing ones from the starting days of YouTube. Though from what I heard sometime after 2009 these tribute videos would be taken down, so are they archived anywhere? I did see a similar kind of video on Daily motion with the zero hour episode with Stray Bullet playing in the background.

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YouTube tribute videos to shooters?
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