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 Eric Harris' Websites

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PostSubject: Eric Harris' Websites   Eric Harris' Websites Icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2020 9:14 am

We all agree that the content of those web pages,should have alarmed and warned people around Harris.
At those time,Internet was slowly increasing popularity as a means of communicating information,but Websites and Chat Rooms (AOL) were not so developed as nowadays.
To have access on Eric's Websites,you should know the web address because it wasn't indexed in none of the search engine (AltaVista/Yahoo)
How many people actually knew about it?
When was the first website activated?
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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris' Websites   Eric Harris' Websites Icon_minitimeWed May 13, 2020 4:54 am

Is anyone interested in the discussion?
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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris' Websites   Eric Harris' Websites Icon_minitimeWed May 13, 2020 4:01 pm

Brook and Aaron Brown knew about the website.
Zack Heckler also. Probably Nate, Chris Morris and all their group.

What I quickly found in my notes :

001-005085-(Rathbun Scott) Harris was a nice kid but his behavior start to change in the middle of his junior year (98). He became introvert and did not talk with people.
Rathbun knew about Harris' website and visited it.

001-006623– (Hofer Greg) before TCM, he was friend with them. He drifted away from them.
Hofer visited their website 2 years ago. They displayeg their « log » which described their activities : messing with people phone line, stealing construction site and using firecrackers against their enemies.
He didn’t talk to them since 9th grades « they were really weird »

Which possibly mean that not only his friends knew, but a lot more people
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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris' Websites   Eric Harris' Websites Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2020 8:56 am

Supacocky wrote:
Brook and Aaron Brown knew about the website.
Zack Heckler also. Probably Nate, Chris Morris and all their group.

What I quickly found in my notes :

001-005085-(Rathbun Scott) Harris was a nice kid but his behavior start to change in the middle of his junior year (98). He became introvert and did not talk with people.
Rathbun knew about Harris' website and visited it.

001-006623– (Hofer Greg) before TCM, he was friend with them. He drifted away from them.
Hofer visited their website 2 years ago. They displayeg their « log » which described their activities : messing with people phone line, stealing construction site and using firecrackers against their enemies.
He didn’t talk to them since 9th grades « they were really weird »

Which possibly mean that not only his friends knew, but a lot more people


First of all, I wanna thank you for your interest.

I'm from Italy.

I was  born in 1981 and I remember well those Days, the nineties.

In 1997/1998 I was not surfing the internet

Eric had some serious skills because,I can guarantee you 100 % that, very few nerdy Guys were able to create websites.

He uploaded contents on his various web Accounts, in a sort of Blog way.

The guy was really good with the computers.

I'm not sure but I guess he started with AOL in 1996.

Surely throughout 1997 he uploaded quite often his STUFF and so

I check out his web activities and are located 1997/1998
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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris' Websites   Eric Harris' Websites Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2020 2:16 pm

Eric and Dylan were very skilled when it's come to computer. They built their owns, created computer programs and website.
They even hacked the shcool system and stole the combinaison to the students lockers. That's kind of impressive especially in the 90's like you said.
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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris' Websites   Eric Harris' Websites Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2020 2:25 pm

Computer programs designed by both murders? Which of them? I never heard about that

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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris' Websites   Eric Harris' Websites Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2020 2:29 pm

Computer programs designed by both murders? Which of them? I never heard about that

Hi supacocky,if you agree, we can chat Via Pm

I want to learn a bit more about Eric Harris
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Eric Harris' Websites Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris' Websites   Eric Harris' Websites Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2020 3:53 pm

Computer programs designed by both murders? Which of them? I never heard about that

I have no idea which one she is talking about or if there really were a program, but i found this :

001-001450- ( Jocelyne Heckler) About DK, she stated that the change began at the beggining of his junior year, when she was a freshman. He began wearing black trench coat but never really associate with the TCM ; EH was rarely seen with a trench coat, mostly blue jean, white tee shirt. DK and her brother start to believe in anarchy. DK started to be interested in computer, he took classes on how to build computers at CHS. He was able to create his own computer program. End of his junior year, he played computer game all the time « wolfenstein » « doom » « duke nukem ». Then senior year « quake »
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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris' Websites   Eric Harris' Websites Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2020 3:59 pm

Supacocky you Have a PM
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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris' Websites   Eric Harris' Websites Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2020 4:25 pm

No, i don't communicate by PM.
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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris' Websites   Eric Harris' Websites Icon_minitime

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