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 Link to DAMNING coverage of the May 17, 2001 release of the Columbine Revie

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Link to DAMNING coverage of the May 17, 2001 release of the Columbine Revie Empty
PostSubject: Link to DAMNING coverage of the May 17, 2001 release of the Columbine Revie   Link to DAMNING coverage of the May 17, 2001 release of the Columbine Revie Icon_minitimeThu Sep 03, 2020 6:25 pm

State of the Road Address

"When have I lied? When have I cheated or stolen from anyone here? When have I treated anyone unfairly? When have I lead you astray?

Why do you turn on me now when I have poured my heart and soul into this community and project?

...Do you think this site built itself? Do you think it runs itself?...Do you have any idea the risk the people operating this site are taking?

Do you have any clue what we've been through to get here today?

Whether you like it or not, I am the captain of this ship, if you don’t like the rules of the game, or you don’t trust your captain, you can get off the boat.”

-Dread Pirate Roberts

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Link to DAMNING coverage of the May 17, 2001 release of the Columbine Revie
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