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 Mass shooters who killed their friends

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Hayden Jagst
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PostSubject: Mass shooters who killed their friends   Mass shooters who killed their friends Icon_minitime9/11/2020, 00:11

There aren't many of them, but I find the ones that do this to be particularly interesting.

Jaylen Fryberg - Killed 3 of his friends (including his cousin), ex-girlfriend I wouldn't count as a "friend".

Eric Borel - Went to the house of his friend, Alan Guillemette, after he killed his family. He killed Alan at the house and left.

Matti Saari - Killed his friend, Marko Koskinen, in one of his classes along with other victims in the room.

Post any other shooters you know of.

"Now! Feel death, not just mocking you. Not just stalking you but inside of you. Wriggle and writhe. Feel smaller beneath my might. Seizure in the Pestilence that is my scythe. Die, all of you."
- T.J. Lane (in his Facebook poem)
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters who killed their friends   Mass shooters who killed their friends Icon_minitime9/11/2020, 01:56

Guilherme Taucci killed Luiz Henrique de Castro after the attack before committing suicide !

I appreciate you talking about Eric Borel; I'm French and not many people here know him even though he's one of the most interesting shooters.

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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters who killed their friends   Mass shooters who killed their friends Icon_minitime9/11/2020, 03:45

Elliot Rodger killed his roommates but i'm not sure if they were friends or not.

“You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul and torched my conscience. You thought it was one pathetic, bored life you were extinguishing."
- Seung Hui Cho

“There isn’t an open sky or endless field to be found where I reside, not is there light or salvation to be discovered. Right about now I feel as low as I ever have. So fucking naive man, so fucking naive. Always expecting change when I know nothing ever changes… I sacrifice no more for others, part of me has fucking died and I hate this shit. I’m living every mans nightmare and that single fact alone is kicking my ass.”
-Jeff Weise
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters who killed their friends   Mass shooters who killed their friends Icon_minitime11/11/2020, 00:27

Connor Betts shot his best friend Charles Beard but didn't kill him.
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Hayden Jagst
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters who killed their friends   Mass shooters who killed their friends Icon_minitime11/11/2020, 16:58

DF978 wrote:
Elliot Rodger killed his roommates but i'm not sure if they were friends or not.
They lived together, but if you do some research, you'll find that they were definitely not friends. They argued a lot and Elliot wrote about how much he hated them in his manifesto. Though, I believe he wrote he would kill his roommate(s) even if he liked them.

"Now! Feel death, not just mocking you. Not just stalking you but inside of you. Wriggle and writhe. Feel smaller beneath my might. Seizure in the Pestilence that is my scythe. Die, all of you."
- T.J. Lane (in his Facebook poem)

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Hayden Jagst
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters who killed their friends   Mass shooters who killed their friends Icon_minitime25/11/2020, 19:34

I learned recently that Steven Kazmierczak shot and wounded his best friend, Kevin, in the NIU shooting.

"Now! Feel death, not just mocking you. Not just stalking you but inside of you. Wriggle and writhe. Feel smaller beneath my might. Seizure in the Pestilence that is my scythe. Die, all of you."
- T.J. Lane (in his Facebook poem)

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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters who killed their friends   Mass shooters who killed their friends Icon_minitime23/9/2022, 20:27

Carnifex879 wrote:
There aren't many of them, but I find the ones that do this to be particularly interesting.

Jaylen Fryberg - Killed 3 of his friends (including his cousin), ex-girlfriend I wouldn't count as a "friend".

Eric Borel - Went to the house of his friend, Alan Guillemette, after he killed his family. He killed Alan at the house and left.

Matti Saari - Killed his friend, Marko Koskinen, in one of his classes along with other victims in the room.

Post any other shooters you know of.
You killed your fucking dad.

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