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 Febrônio Índio do Brasil - serial killer who tattooed his victims

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Febrônio Índio do Brasil - serial killer who tattooed his victims Empty
PostSubject: Febrônio Índio do Brasil - serial killer who tattooed his victims   Febrônio Índio do Brasil - serial killer who tattooed his victims Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2020 6:33 am

A Brazilian serial killer from the 1920s who first started as a "Dr Death", causing three deaths in hospitals, and left, then went killing by other means. He was known to tatto the words DCVXVI, which meant "God, Charity, Virtue, Holiness, Life, Magnet of Life" into the chests of his victims as a talisman. He escaped in 1935, but was discovered the following day and returned to the Judicial Asylum, where he remained until his death on August 27, 1984, at the age of 89, caused by pulmonary emphysema.

Wikipedia article for more information

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Febrônio Índio do Brasil - serial killer who tattooed his victims
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