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 Sachiko Eto - Japanese cult leader and bizarre serial killer

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Sachiko Eto - Japanese cult leader and bizarre serial killer Empty
PostSubject: Sachiko Eto - Japanese cult leader and bizarre serial killer   Sachiko Eto - Japanese cult leader and bizarre serial killer Icon_minitimeSun Dec 20, 2020 9:20 pm

A Japanese cult leader and serial killer who killed her victims with three other cult members in exorcism sessions.

Sachiko Eto (江藤 幸子, Etō Sachiko) (August 21, 1947 – September 27, 2012), known as "The Drumstick Killer", was a Japanese cult leader and serial killer, responsible for six murders in Sukagawa City between 1994 and 1995.

A self-professed guru who claimed to have psychic abilities, she killed several of her cult members during bizarre rituals involving taiko sticks. For her crimes, she was sentenced to death and subsequently executed in 2012.

From December 1994 to June 1995, Eto's followers, consisting of her daughter Yuko (23), Hiroshi Nemoto (21) and Mitsuo Sekine (45), assisted in killing the "ugly devils". In particular, Nemoto helped her in killing the six victims, as well as the injury of one female cult member.

On July 5, the Fukushima Prefectural Police decided to search Eto's house after the hospitalization of one cult member. They found six rotting corpses, and arrested the Sachiko and her three followers. Later, the surviving victim was also arrested upon discovery that she had participated in the assault.

The victims included Hiroshi's wife, male follower J., J.'s wife and daughter, male follower K. and female follower N.

Source: Wikipedia article

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Sachiko Eto - Japanese cult leader and bizarre serial killer
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