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 Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music

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Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music Empty
PostSubject: Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music   Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music Icon_minitimeSat Mar 13, 2021 5:20 am

I found this one by accident, and the supposed motive - he hated rock music - had me stuck in this case. Altough I attempted to search further reports to see if the bomber was caught, I could only find bombings that precedeed the October 17, 1986 report which claimed that his hatred for rock music was the motivation for the bombings.

Here's a write-up I made (sorry for the spelling mistakes) while searching the case. It also contains links to the reports:

In 1986, the Brazilian newspaper Jornal do Brasil reported that a terrorist was bombing several clubs and cinemas from the Nova Iguaçu area of Rio de Janeiro. His motive according to the report, was that he hated rock music.

According to the October 17, 1986 report, the first explosion from the serial bomber occured on August 15, 1982 at the Mesquita Tênis Clube, when a radio bomb killed Otacílio Alexandrino Pinheiro.

First explosion:

In 1985 in the Rua Artur de Oliveira Vechi, the 23-year-old mechanic Otacílio Alexandrino Pinheiro was killed by a radio bomb and wounded three others, who were treated at the Casa de Saúde Nossa Senhora de Fátima in Nova Iguaçu. At least two hundred people danced at the place while Equipe Charles Discoteca played when the explosion occurred.
A big pop noise blasted in the club, but people didn't panic. One of the club's directors said if a panic happened, it would be likely that people would be trampled by others.
According to police chief Dennis Rupert, from 53º DP, the radio was given to Otacílio by a man who was described as being "middle-age, white, small, with a mustache" and was known to the victim. The man then fled.
As he got the radio, Otacílio with his left hand took it to his left ear and, with the right, turned to change the station. The explosion was described as being "terrible". With the violent explosion, Otacílio had his left arm mutilated, the face disfigured and some of his teeth flew away, along with some other body pieces, and his brain matter got stuck in the gymnasium roof.

The bomber disappeared, and according to some club visitors, was pursued, but escaped. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Later on August 16, 1985, the radio operator Nielsen Barros Louzada, son of ex-deputy Nielsen Louzada, was arrested. He was taken to the Delegacia de Homicidios, and the police chief Vanderlei, took off to the Baixada to hear statements of two of the victims of the explosion. According to the Jornal dos Sports report, the incident was the result of a rivalry of the Mesquita Futebol Clube and the Mesquita Tênis Clube, the former operated by the father of Barros Louzada. It was discovered that the victim was connected to the group of radio operators and it almost got to him to put the bomb at the sound device of the Tênis Clube. The bomb material was described as "sophisticasted, as well as the assembling and of foreign precedents. From what the police said, both Barros Louzada and Otacílio were involved in the bombing, attracting suspicions from a group called Grupo da Rua Marques, to whom were attributed violent actions in the area. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Second explosion:

On January 6, 1986, a bombing occurred at the Mesquita Futebol Clube, at the Avenida Feliciano Sodré, during a show from the singer Toni Tornado. The bomb injured eight people, including a child. Almost three hundred people were at the gymnasium when the blast occurred, which caused much panic and confusion. The club visitors were in despair, searching for exits and trampling anothers. Apparently the clb directors attempted to make the scene back to normal, to make it hard to police to investigate.

53º DP agents believed that there was a "war" between the Mesquita Futebol Clube, that passed to the 1ª Divisão da Federação Fluminense de Futebol and was to dispute that year it first championship, and the Tênis Clube Mesquita. The report on this explosion mentions the death of Otacílio, eventually saying that people connected to the Mesquita F.C. were linked to the drama.
The investigations of the explosion was said that would be driven in turn of that theory, altough it said that it didn't had much concrete evidence that would strength those suspicions. However, the associates from the two clubs said that the terrorism would harm the events. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

The rock music hater:

On October 17, 1986, the newspaper Jornal do Brasil ran a report named "Terrorista de Nova Iguaçu é contra rock" (Terrorist from Nova Iguaçu is against rock music). It said that a individual responsible from the homemade bombs from the last 14 months that damaged two club and a cinema in Nova Iguaçu, was passionate to slow music and was enraged by the clubs in the Baixada who only plays rock music during the nights.

The allegation that the perpetrators of the bombings hated rock music came from a note written in a type of code, found at a cinema seat where it exploded the last bomb on October 5 in Cinema Center I, from Shopping Center of Nova Iguaçu. The author of the letter said that he "only wanted time for slow music and rock music".

The letter:

"This is for you, club directors, to learn to not only put hot music. They also need to remember that there is slow music. They do also exist and, if my demands are not met, the fun will continue until they change their mind. This is only the third play. They will continue until they correspond, and no security guard will stop me because I'm able to walk through even walls without anyone seeing me." Signed NL.

The investigation was being directed by the Departamento de Investigações Especiais' director of the Secretaria de Polícia Civil Elson Campello who, after seeing the translation of the letter, made by the Navy, put himself to study the links to the three explosions of the homemade bombs that occurred in Nova Iguaçu since 1985. The last attack ocurred in the Cinema Center 1, where five people were injured at a bomb attack.

According to inspections, the bombs had the same mechanism and used black powder. Because of the black powder, Campello started the Operação Macumba on Octber 6 to prevent the its sale from house of umbanda.

During the three cases study, the police chief discovered that the initials NL coincided with Nielsen Louzada, the only accused of the explosion in the Mesquita Tênis Clube. Nielsen was already responding in trial, but he denied the crime, saying that his name was involved in the case because of enemies of his politic father.

The three cases were linked, said Elson Campello, and he was investigating in its direction. At seeing the letter in the point, Campello was sure it was the work of a maniac. In the investigation, police had two other letters, also in code, sent to the Lojas Americanas and Mesquita Tênis Clube in June of that year, from people who identified themselves as Paulo Roberto Nunes and Washington Tavares Filho, who were from the same address. The letters also contained threats to clubs who only played rock music. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music   Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music Icon_minitimeSat Mar 13, 2021 11:59 am

I think this is one of the most stupid reasons I've ever heard to make something like this hahaha
I'm from Brazil either man, nice to see brazilians around here! Smile
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Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music   Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music Icon_minitimeSat Mar 13, 2021 1:23 pm

treehouseofhorror wrote:
I think this is one of the most stupid reasons I've ever heard to make something like this hahaha
I'm from Brazil either man, nice to see brazilians around here! Smile
Greetings man! Also, I also can't believe such an event happened here in Brazil. I could argue this person is one of the much dedicated music critic - he would kill to prove a point about music.
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Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music   Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music Icon_minitimeSat Mar 13, 2021 1:29 pm

Enesbrietchvonfrederitch wrote:
treehouseofhorror wrote:
I think this is one of the most stupid reasons I've ever heard to make something like this hahaha
I'm from Brazil either man, nice to see brazilians around here! Smile
Greetings man! Also, I also can't believe such an event happened here in Brazil. I could argue this person is one of the much dedicated music critic - he would kill to prove a point about music.

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Mr Bubbless
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Mr Bubbless

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Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music   Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music Icon_minitimeMon May 03, 2021 1:37 am

Enesbrietchvonfrederitch wrote:
treehouseofhorror wrote:
I think this is one of the most stupid reasons I've ever heard to make something like this hahaha
I'm from Brazil either man, nice to see brazilians around here! Smile
Greetings man! Also, I also can't believe such an event happened here in Brazil. I could argue this person is one of the much dedicated music critic - he would kill to prove a point about music.

I think him and Stephen Paddock are competing to be the most vitriolic music critic of all time.

Last edited by Mr Bubbless on Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music   Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music Icon_minitimeMon May 03, 2021 8:13 am

I am close to Brazil and I have never heard this news. what a strange reason .. as many say here, what a more dedicated critic. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music   Nova Iguaçu bomber - the bomber who hated rock music Icon_minitime

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