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 Adam Lanza's anorexia list

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Adam Lanza's anorexia list Empty
PostSubject: Adam Lanza's anorexia list   Adam Lanza's anorexia list Icon_minitimeSun Apr 04, 2021 3:16 am

The Anorexia list Adam had in his tomorrow document was incompletely numbered because he didn't make it. I know this this not the original because it's missing a couple quotes Adam had, but it has too many exact quotes in common. I wanted to find the original because it'd be an interesting showcase of the mindset behind his anorexia by making note which examples he would omit.
The examples that are in common are NOT numbered the same as Adam's.
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Adam Lanza's anorexia list Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's anorexia list   Adam Lanza's anorexia list Icon_minitimeSun Apr 04, 2021 5:21 am

Here’s what seems to be the original list (and the numbers are correct). How dare Adam edit out “no one wants to see a fat person dance”? Haha

And what was the purpose of this list anyway given that Adam had sensory issues and most food was disgusting to him? It should be incredibly easy to be anorexic when you are grossed out by food in the first place. I guess it was meant to reaffirm his disgust rather than provide superfluous motivation to lose weight.
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Adam Lanza's anorexia list Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's anorexia list   Adam Lanza's anorexia list Icon_minitimeSun Apr 04, 2021 5:40 am

morgenroede wrote:
Here’s what seems to be the original list. How dare Adam edit out “no one wants to see a fat person dance”? Haha

And what was the purpose of this list anyway given that Adam had sensory issues and most food was disgusting to him? It should be incredibly easy to be anorexic when you are grossed out by food in the first place. I guess it was meant to reaffirm his disgust rather than provide superfluous motivation to lose weight.

I'm not sure what to make of it but it reminds me of the quotes from women he put at the end of the "selfish" document, or in his bookmarks a list of reasons to stay single. And how in his me document he brings up justifications his female friend had for certain viewpoints to test them with questions. It's in the me Document sandwiched between personal stuff like his schedule, to do list, and vocabulary words so I imagine it's important.
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Adam Lanza's anorexia list Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's anorexia list   Adam Lanza's anorexia list Icon_minitimeSun Apr 04, 2021 6:53 am

SilverMoxie wrote:
I’m not sure what to make of it but it reminds me of the quotes from women he put at the end of the “selfish” document, or in his bookmarks a list of reasons to stay single. And how in his me document he brings up justifications his female friend had for certain viewpoints to test them with questions. It’s in the me Document sandwiched between personal stuff like his schedule, to do list, and vocabulary words so I imagine it’s important.

Sorry, I had the wrong link in my post (it should be the livejournal one); fixed it now.
He actually deleted most parts that were fashion- and relationship-oriented (i.e. “selfish”), but also some apparently random ones. He removed these too, probably because he generally disliked the idea of countries:

Quote :
46. The average (middle class) American wastes OVER $8,000 a year on FOOD ALONE…it goes in one end and out the other. That sure is a lot of fat! No wonder so many Americans are obese and overweight!
47. Fat people make their country look bad.
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PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's anorexia list   Adam Lanza's anorexia list Icon_minitimeSun Apr 04, 2021 7:12 am

As for his female friend, I don’t remember him mentioning that she focused too much on her looks or relationships (I can’t check it right now unfortunately), it’s rather her traditional/conformist views he had a problem with.
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Adam Lanza's anorexia list Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's anorexia list   Adam Lanza's anorexia list Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2021 5:53 am

morgenroede wrote:
As for his female friend, I don’t remember him mentioning that she focused too much on her looks or relationships (I can’t check it right now unfortunately), it’s rather her traditional/conformist views he had a problem with.

Thank you very much. The quotes numbered with an asterisk next to them are the ones Adam excluded.

01. You will be FAT if you eat today, just put it off one more day.

02. You don't NEED food.

03. Fat people can't fit everywhere.

*04. Guys will be able to pick you up without struggling.

05. You'll be able to run faster without all that extra weight holding you back.

06. People will remember you as "the beautiful thin one".

07. If someone has to describe you, they'll say "oh she weighs like 90, 100 lbs".

*08. Guys will want to get to know you, not laugh at you and walk away.

09. Starving is an example of excellent willpower.

10. You will be able to see your beautiful, beautiful bones.

11. Bones are clean and pure. Fat is dirty and hangs on your bones like a parasite.

12. If you eat then you'll look like those disgusting, fat, ghetto and trailer-trash hookers on Jerry Springer.

*13. The models that everyone claims are beautiful, the spitting image of perfection, are any of them fat? NO!

*14. Too many people in the world are obese.

*15. People who eat are selfish and unrealistic.

*16. Only fat people are attracted to fat people. Do you want pigs to like you because you are one of them.

17. Anyone can have "inner beauty" but few can earn real beauty, inside as well as out.

18. You'll be able to move as quietly and skillfully as a spider.

19. Only thin people are graceful.

20. If you slap a fat person you can see a shockwave ripple over their skin. That's disgusting.

21. Do you want people to say "for gods sake get off me you're crushing me!!!" or "you are sooo light" ???

*22. Underweight aka perfect body.

*23. Ballerina? or beanbag?

*24. I want to be light enough so a helium balloon could lift me and carry me to the clouds.

25. I want to walk in the snow and leave no footprints.

26. Starve off the parts you don't need. They're ugly and they drag you down.

27. Nothing cant be fixed with hunger and weight loss.

*28. Saying "no thanks" to food is saying "yes please" to THIN!!!

*29. Fat people are so huge, yet people look away from them as if they don't exist.

*30. The only time people do notice a fat person is when they get in the way of that beautiful thin girl walking by (ok that sounds really horrible i know.)

31. Have you ever seen a person NOT notice a walking skeleton.

32. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

33. Is food more important that happiness in life? I think not!

34. Eating is conforming to everyone else's expectations.

*35. When you start to get dizzy and weak you're almost there.

36. Hunger is your friend and it won't betray you like food.

37. Food is mean and sneaky. It tricks you into eating it and it works on you from the inside out making you fat, bloated, ugly and unhappy.

*38. Think of anorexia as your secret weapon.

*39. If you can name one reason to be fat, I'll name a million and one to be thin.

40. Thin people look good in ANY kind of clothes.

41. Food rots your teeth.

42. Puffy cheeks, double chins and thick ankles-- aren't attractive.

43. Fatty areas stretch and sag as you get older.

44. Ever seen the arms of a fat person wave hello or goodbye?

45. Eating little to nothing saves you money!

*46. The average (middle class) American wastes OVER $8,000 a year on FOOD goes in one end and out the other. That sure is a lot of fat! No wonder so many Americans are obese and overweight!

*47. Fat people make their country look bad.

48. Big people sweat more and they smell bad.

49. Fat people die earlier.

50. You'll be the envy of all the other girls.

51. All of the guys will want you.

*52. You're less likely to get food poisoning.

53. You won't be exposed to all the chemicals and pesticides they put in food today.

*54. You won't get sweaty on hot days.

*55. The word fat will only apply to you in a sarcastic way.

*56. No one wants to see a fat person dance.

*57. Beauty Queen? or Dairy Queen?

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Adam Lanza's anorexia list Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's anorexia list   Adam Lanza's anorexia list Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2021 10:12 pm

I agree with Lanza in some quotes regarding fat people, as I am fat myself. Back when I was 14 I was skinny, and was known as "matchstick". Then, when anxiety attacks took me over, I began taking medications and it enlarged my body, and it created manboobs in me (gynecomastia, if that's how its spelled), a fact which I feel a bit humiliated for having them. Usually I rang around Olinda to buy house items without clothes on, so they are visible, and it makes me uncomfortable, then I use clothes. Even when I'm sitted in home I look at them and feel ashamed. I always attempt diet but I can't resist food because I'm a compulsive eater, and beginning today I will attempt other. I know we perhaps will get fat when we get old, but having it at my current age (17) is a bit uncomfortable for me at least.

Sorry for the extremely personal text. Also I apologize if some of it doesn't make sense.
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PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's anorexia list   Adam Lanza's anorexia list Icon_minitimeFri Apr 09, 2021 9:12 pm

Looks like Reed Coleman’s observation that Adam erased mostly gendered or fashion-conscious entries is incorrect (and so was mine, because yes, I was absolutely thinking the same thing). Less than half of them are gendered and/or fashion-conscious. Here’s a separate list, hopefully I haven’t missed anything:

04. Guys will be able to pick you up without struggling.
08. Guys will want to get to know you, not laugh at you and walk away.
13. The models that everyone claims are beautiful, the spitting image of perfection, are any of them fat? NO!
14. Too many people in the world are obese.
15. People who eat are selfish and unrealistic.
16. Only fat people are attracted to fat people. Do you want pigs to like you because you are one of them.
22. Underweight aka perfect body.
23. Ballerina? or beanbag?
24. I want to be light enough so a helium balloon could lift me and carry me to the clouds.
28. Saying “no thanks” to food is saying “yes please” to THIN!!!
29. Fat people are so huge, yet people look away from them as if they don’t exist.
30. The only time people do notice a fat person is when they get in the way of that beautiful thin girl walking by (ok that sounds really horrible i know.)
35. When you start to get dizzy and weak you’re almost there.
38. Think of anorexia as your secret weapon.
39. If you can name one reason to be fat, I’ll name a million and one to be thin.
46. The average (middle class) American wastes OVER $8,000 a year on FOOD ALONE…it goes in one end and out the other. That sure is a lot of fat! No wonder so many Americans are obese and overweight!
47. Fat people make their country look bad.
52. You’re less likely to get food poisoning.
54. You won’t get sweaty on hot days.
55. The word fat will only apply to you in a sarcastic way.
56. No one wants to see a fat person dance.
57. Beauty Queen? or Dairy Queen?
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