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 Where to find certain documents

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PostSubject: Where to find certain documents   Where to find certain documents Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2021 7:05 pm

I'm in the process of building a Google Drive folder with all documents related to Columbine for ease of access but there are some things that I can't seem to find (Day planners, Dylans webpage, Erics school assignments). Is there any place that I can find these documents? Any help would be much appreciated.

"One day I might just disappear and you will never find me. Nobody will ever find me"
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PostSubject: Re: Where to find certain documents   Where to find certain documents Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2021 9:53 pm

acolumbinesite maybe? Sorry if I couldn't help, there's some things which are hard to find like dylan's webpage
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