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 Lanza and Michel Foucault

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Lanza and Michel Foucault Empty
PostSubject: Lanza and Michel Foucault   Lanza and Michel Foucault Icon_minitimeFri May 14, 2021 1:21 pm

I'm surprised no one seems to have mentioned this before. Lanza's two most vehement views, namely the connection between mental illness and civilisation and pro-paedophilia, were shared by Michel Foucault. Foucault was also obsessed with suicide.

Almost all of Lanza's opinions were extremely derivative; the equivalent of a high school Introduction to Sociology class.
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Lanza and Michel Foucault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lanza and Michel Foucault   Lanza and Michel Foucault Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2021 4:43 pm

I don't think Adam ever mentioned Foucault, so that's probably why. Also I could be wrong but the pro-pedophilia stuff wasn't exactly a big point of Foucault's philosophy. He mainly focused on things like prisons systems and heirarchies in society.

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