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 Robert Hawkins CCTV images + 911 calls video, unknown pictures

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Robert Hawkins CCTV images + 911 calls video, unknown pictures Empty
PostSubject: Robert Hawkins CCTV images + 911 calls video, unknown pictures   Robert Hawkins CCTV images + 911 calls video, unknown pictures Icon_minitimeSun May 16, 2021 2:06 pm

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Made 3 days after the shooting, I came across this video ages ago without thinking much of it but i've never seen these pictures since and I don't understand why they'd be there other than filler or if it was related to the case. Probably just a waste of time to bring up since it wasn't in any news sources i've looked at, but just in case anyone's got any idea what i'm even looking at because it looks like a peep-hole.

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Robert Hawkins CCTV images + 911 calls video, unknown pictures Empty
PostSubject: Re: Robert Hawkins CCTV images + 911 calls video, unknown pictures   Robert Hawkins CCTV images + 911 calls video, unknown pictures Icon_minitimeSat Dec 11, 2021 10:31 am

Is there an he photo of this anywhere? [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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Robert Hawkins CCTV images + 911 calls video, unknown pictures Empty
PostSubject: Re: Robert Hawkins CCTV images + 911 calls video, unknown pictures   Robert Hawkins CCTV images + 911 calls video, unknown pictures Icon_minitimeSun Dec 12, 2021 1:10 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Robert Hawkins CCTV images + 911 calls video, unknown pictures   Robert Hawkins CCTV images + 911 calls video, unknown pictures Icon_minitime

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Robert Hawkins CCTV images + 911 calls video, unknown pictures
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