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 3 Including Gunman Killed In Mass Shooting Rampage In Massachusetts

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PostSubject: 3 Including Gunman Killed In Mass Shooting Rampage In Massachusetts    3 Including Gunman Killed In Mass Shooting Rampage In Massachusetts      Icon_minitimeSun Jun 27, 2021 5:02 pm

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Images show the stolen truck crashed into a home during a mass shooting rampage in Winthrop, Massachusetts yesterday afternoon. The unnamed suspect injured two people in a vehicle collision and killed two by gunfire and may have injured a police officer. (26/6/21)

(Pictures Via Twitter)
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PostSubject: Re: 3 Including Gunman Killed In Mass Shooting Rampage In Massachusetts    3 Including Gunman Killed In Mass Shooting Rampage In Massachusetts      Icon_minitimeMon Jun 28, 2021 7:22 am

The suspect has been named was Nathan Allen. The attack appaers to have a racial motive.

His Facebook page

His Linkedin page

A page about his wedding he had last year

Also does anyone know what character, if it that is what that is, he is dressed at this photo from his Facebook, I am curious to know:
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"So-called civilized, well-brought up people will eat their own fellow kin, often their own friends, without being able to say why.
Their subconscious will cause them to do so."
-Oscar Kiss Maerth
"Said he was a wolf, only the difference
Was, a wolf’s skin was hairy on the outside,
His on the inside;"
- John Webster
"I cannot allow the cheap fireworks of some amateur terrorist to trigger my beatiful apocalyptic display!"
-Dr. Kabapu
"But hey, you wouldn't have signed on if you weren't planning to becoming a martyr. So let's get to work."
-Mannagaer lol

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PostSubject: Re: 3 Including Gunman Killed In Mass Shooting Rampage In Massachusetts    3 Including Gunman Killed In Mass Shooting Rampage In Massachusetts      Icon_minitimeMon Jun 28, 2021 4:35 pm

Winthrop shooting suspect Nathan Allen. Nathan was discovered to have white supremacist writings and exclusively targeted black people in his attack.

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(Picture Via Twitter)

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PostSubject: Re: 3 Including Gunman Killed In Mass Shooting Rampage In Massachusetts    3 Including Gunman Killed In Mass Shooting Rampage In Massachusetts      Icon_minitimeMon Jun 28, 2021 4:40 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Thank you for sharing the information with us sir.

Tiocfaidh ár lá

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PostSubject: Re: 3 Including Gunman Killed In Mass Shooting Rampage In Massachusetts    3 Including Gunman Killed In Mass Shooting Rampage In Massachusetts      Icon_minitimeMon Jun 28, 2021 5:31 pm

oh no that’s close to where i live i’m literally one town next to this

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