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 Clackamas 2012 Shooting - Surveillance Camera Footage *VERY CHILLING*

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Preston Condra

Preston Condra

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Clackamas 2012 Shooting - Surveillance Camera Footage *VERY CHILLING* Empty
PostSubject: Clackamas 2012 Shooting - Surveillance Camera Footage *VERY CHILLING*   Clackamas 2012 Shooting - Surveillance Camera Footage *VERY CHILLING* Icon_minitimeFri Jul 02, 2021 6:12 pm

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Copy the ENTIRE link if you want to see it. Including the 2 at the very end. Or maybe the website hyperlinks it for you automatically.

I apologize for the annoying cheery, Christmas music playing in the video.

I found it on YouTube initially and it got taken down (if not age restricted) so I uploaded it to OneDrive.

You can see a girl literally INCHES away from the shooter.

She barely escaped death, crouching underneath, the screen thing-ie.

All Jacob Tyler Roberts had to do was look down at his feet and he would've killed more people.

He wasn't hustling at all. Just casually walking around with the gun.

A lot of people forget about this shooting - just 3 days later - Sandy Hook happened.

I believe his gun jammed so that how it ended with him, taking suicide.

It was very chilling to watch. Sorry for the stupid music again, that's how it was initially made / how I found it.
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Clackamas 2012 Shooting - Surveillance Camera Footage *VERY CHILLING* Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clackamas 2012 Shooting - Surveillance Camera Footage *VERY CHILLING*   Clackamas 2012 Shooting - Surveillance Camera Footage *VERY CHILLING* Icon_minitimeSat Jul 03, 2021 11:05 pm

*link is not working for me

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Clackamas 2012 Shooting - Surveillance Camera Footage *VERY CHILLING*
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