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 Darrell Scott says there was sprinklers in the library.

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Preston Condra

Preston Condra

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Darrell Scott says there was sprinklers in the library.  Empty
PostSubject: Darrell Scott says there was sprinklers in the library.    Darrell Scott says there was sprinklers in the library.  Icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2021 10:16 pm

Strong 2007 dated YouTube video.

Darrell Scott (the father to Craig & Rachel Scott) claimed from Craig the following.

That after Eric/Dylan killed Isaiah and Matt, they pointed the guns at Craig, and as they were able to shoot him, the sprinklers went off.

It distracted the pair and they never went back to where Craig was.

Around 2:20 is the discussion of it.

I still had this bookmarked and saved, I totally forgot I still had it. Felt like sharing.

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Darrell Scott says there was sprinklers in the library.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Darrell Scott says there was sprinklers in the library.    Darrell Scott says there was sprinklers in the library.  Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2021 1:29 pm

Pages 007883-007884 show what time the alarms went off that day.

Page 007881 says to add 3 minutes as times are slow.

No water sprinklers were ever activated in the library - only smoke alarms.

Only time sprinklers were activated was in the cafeteria at 11:52am


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Darrell Scott says there was sprinklers in the library.
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