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 are there any pictures of a young Sebastian Bosse?

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are there any pictures of a young Sebastian Bosse? Empty
PostSubject: are there any pictures of a young Sebastian Bosse?   are there any pictures of a young Sebastian Bosse? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 26, 2021 6:17 pm

so recently I've been doing a lot of research on the 2006 "Emsdetten school shooting" and what I'm trying to find out more information about his childhood what it was like, how he felt about it, was he abused?, was it happy?, etc just about any information ab1out his childhood

I'm also looking for pics of bastian b from ages, 1 to 17

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are there any pictures of a young Sebastian Bosse? Empty
PostSubject: Re: are there any pictures of a young Sebastian Bosse?   are there any pictures of a young Sebastian Bosse? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 27, 2021 5:44 pm

There are only released pictures of him from when he was 16 - 18 years old.

He had two siblings (younger brother and sister), his father was a postman/avid hunter, and he lived in his grandparents house.

In one of his final videos he says his entire life went downhill around 2003/2004, when he got into High School at GSS.

Life is a lesson, you'll learn it when you're dead.

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are there any pictures of a young Sebastian Bosse? Empty
PostSubject: Re: are there any pictures of a young Sebastian Bosse?   are there any pictures of a young Sebastian Bosse? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 29, 2021 1:25 am

CadaverCasualty wrote:
There are only released pictures of him from when he was 16 - 18 years old.

He had two siblings (younger brother and sister), his father was a postman/avid hunter, and he lived in his grandparents house.

In one of his final videos he says his entire life went downhill around 2003/2004, when he got into High School at GSS.

He lived in his grandparents house? Damn I thought he was still living with his parents when he did it
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are there any pictures of a young Sebastian Bosse? Empty
PostSubject: Re: are there any pictures of a young Sebastian Bosse?   are there any pictures of a young Sebastian Bosse? Icon_minitime

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are there any pictures of a young Sebastian Bosse?
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