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 Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack

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Mr Bubbless
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PostSubject: Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack   Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack Icon_minitimeSun Nov 21, 2021 11:45 pm

Putting this here to archive posts relating to the suspect, his Instagram has already been taken down so I've backed everything else up. Over twenty people have been injured in a car attack in Wisconsin with multiple people reported as deceased. Three suspects have been reported, two are on the run and one has been taken into custody.

Alleged assailant: Darrell Edward Brooks Jr
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SUV used in the attack:
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PostSubject: Re: Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack   Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack Icon_minitimeTue Nov 23, 2021 9:55 am

Isn't he lovely?

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PostSubject: Re: Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack   Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack Icon_minitimeTue Nov 23, 2021 7:36 pm


Oh to be a cigarette in a ball pit 3

Last edited by Amokauliflower on Thu Feb 10, 2022 9:06 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostSubject: Re: Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack   Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack Icon_minitimeTue Nov 23, 2021 7:39 pm


Oh to be a cigarette in a ball pit 3

Last edited by Amokauliflower on Thu Feb 10, 2022 9:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack   Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack Icon_minitimeTue Nov 23, 2021 8:11 pm

Amokauliflower wrote:
And I do realize the police apparently clarified it wasn't a terror attack but that's beside the point.

I would love to know what evidence they're using to make this assertion; I'm more willing to bet they're lying out their asses.

Anyways black terrorism isn't anything new in America

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This particular attack just highlights how often black terrorists aren't identified as such and treated the same as white terrorists (or "terrorists"). You mentioned The Fed Ex killer but what's striking is how the Atlanta spa shooter was condemned as a racist killer, despite explicitly denying racial motivations. It's biased horribly.

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PostSubject: Re: Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack   Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack Icon_minitimeWed Nov 24, 2021 12:20 am


Last edited by Amokauliflower on Thu Feb 10, 2022 9:07 am; edited 1 time in total

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Mr Bubbless
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PostSubject: Re: Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack   Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack Icon_minitimeWed Nov 24, 2021 12:43 am

Amokauliflower wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
Atlanta spa shooter was condemned as a racist killer, despite explicitly denying racial motivations.
Exactly! In the vast majority of cases, people who actually have political motivations want to make it as obvious as possible, which is apparently a concept people choose to throw out the window when it fits their agenda. I'd be willing to lend that charity to this guy if it weren't for everything that's come out about him so far indicating he seems incapable of orchestrating the PR aspect of a terrorist attack. Even if it wasn't connected to what happened, he ABSOLUTELY hated whites, which would be in every CNN headline if the circumstances were different. Always gotta be sceptical.

Did you seriously expect anything different from the mainstream media? Be realistic.

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PostSubject: Re: Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack   Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack Icon_minitimeWed Nov 24, 2021 10:07 am

Mr Bubbless wrote:
Amokauliflower wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
Atlanta spa shooter was condemned as a racist killer, despite explicitly denying racial motivations.
Exactly! In the vast majority of cases, people who actually have political motivations want to make it as obvious as possible, which is apparently a concept people choose to throw out the window when it fits their agenda. I'd be willing to lend that charity to this guy if it weren't for everything that's come out about him so far indicating he seems incapable of orchestrating the PR aspect of a terrorist attack. Even if it wasn't connected to what happened, he ABSOLUTELY hated whites, which would be in every CNN headline if the circumstances were different. Always gotta be sceptical.

Did you seriously expect anything different from the mainstream media? Be realistic.
MSM will only stick to their narrative their audience will like. Remember when they made the Dallas sniper a martyr?

If I could start again, a million miles away, I would keep myself. I would find a way

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PostSubject: Re: Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack   Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack Icon_minitimeThu Nov 25, 2021 10:13 pm

CSIAgent wrote:

MSM will only stick to their narrative their audience will like. Remember when they made the Dallas sniper a martyr?

I also love the wonderful double standard where anytime a white person commits a crime it's a problem with the entire population of white people, but if blacks and Muslims do something we need to be lectured about how the real problem is racism. And oh God, don't think of defending yourself in a confrontation or video taping it either. Truly that would be a crime against humanity.

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PostSubject: Re: Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack   Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack Icon_minitimeThu Nov 25, 2021 11:47 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
CSIAgent wrote:

MSM will only stick to their narrative their audience will like. Remember when they made the Dallas sniper a martyr?

I also love the wonderful double standard where anytime a white person commits a crime it's a problem with the entire population of white people, but if blacks and Muslims do something we need to be lectured about how the real problem is racism. And oh God, don't think of defending yourself in a confrontation or video taping it either. Truly that would be a crime against humanity.
Yeah its really fucked up how with the Atlanta shooter wasn't even racist he was just a sad religious guy who was mad because he kept using prostitutes, but because he was white and killed women, he's a racist misogynist. And then the big freakout after the King Soopers shooting where they blamed white people and then found out he was a muslim and deleted all the twitter posts.

If I could start again, a million miles away, I would keep myself. I would find a way

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Preston Condra

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PostSubject: Re: Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack   Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack Icon_minitimeMon Nov 29, 2021 12:32 pm

The music video he was in, is on Vimeo. He went under the stage name "MathBoi Fly"

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I know I'm about a week and a half late to the party, just felt like sharing it with all of you.
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PostSubject: Re: Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack   Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2021 8:34 pm

hilarious how he complains about rittenhouse shooting 3 people in self defense but proceeds to ram into 6 people

"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
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Mr Bubbless
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PostSubject: Re: Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack   Multiple Fatalities at Waukesha Parade after Vehicle Ramming Attack Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2021 3:46 am

7.62×39mm wrote:
hilarious how he complains about rittenhouse shooting 3 people in self defense but proceeds to ram into 6 people

If you can't beat them, join them! Jihadists have been doing it for years!
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