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 Historical mass killers/attempted killers

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Historical mass killers/attempted killers  Empty
PostSubject: Historical mass killers/attempted killers    Historical mass killers/attempted killers  Icon_minitimeSat Feb 26, 2022 1:50 pm

mass killers/attempted mass killers from before or during the mid 20th century (1933 - 1967) 

Andrew Philip Kehoe (February 1, 1872 - May 18, 1927) 1927 Bath School Disaster

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Ernast August Wagner (September 22, 1874 - April 27, 1938) Ernast A. Wagner is a German mass killer who on September 4, 1913 killed his wife Anna Wagner and his four children Klara, Elsa, Robert, and Richard, Wagner before driving to Muhlhausen, Germany where he set several fires and shot 20 people before he was beaten unconscious by furious villagers and left for dead. 

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Historical mass killers/attempted killers  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Historical mass killers/attempted killers    Historical mass killers/attempted killers  Icon_minitimeFri Sep 23, 2022 2:20 pm

Charles Whitman is the most obvious one.
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Historical mass killers/attempted killers
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