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 The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers

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Albert Worm
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The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers Empty
PostSubject: The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers   The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers Icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2021 10:53 pm

Eric Harris:
Anarchy (probably Anarcho-Nihilism? Individualist Anarchism?)
Moral Nihilism

Jeff Weise:
Native American Nazism? Well this is probably more a political viewpoint, maybe he was just a depressed teen that wanted revenge for the trauma and abuse he experienced in his short 16 years of life and thus he had no philosophy?

Dylan Klebold:
A general hatred for society it would seem based off his journal

Tim Kretschmer:
He believed mankind was evil when speaking to a psychiatrist when he was hospitalized, so it would seem he was a misanthrope

Matti Saari:

Vladislav Rosylakov:
His shirt did say "Hatred" on it, but hatred for what? School? Teachers? Students? Maybe it meant a hatred for mankind

Marc Lepine:
Anti-Feminism, though like Weise this is probably a more political standpoint

Pekka-Eric Auvinen:
Positive Nihilism (he believed while life is objectively meaningless, individuals can still subjectively determine their own meaning)
Anti-Democracy, though he also seemingly hated governments in general

Elliot Rodger:
Extreme/radical Misogyny and a general hatred of women

Anton Lundin Pettersson:
White Nationalism
- once more these are more probably political viewpoints

Ted Kaczynski (not a mass killer):
Anarcho-primitivism, he wanted industrial society overthrown
He believed in Natural Power Process

Adam Lanza:
He seemingly had an Anarcho-primitivist viewpoint
Hatred for human culture

Guilherme Taucci Monteiro:
Hatred for the Brazilian government

Matthew Murray:
He hated Christianity (in particular Fundamentalist Christianity it would seem)

Kinkeloukaitis, hermit, fullblownanarchy, Kartoffeln, Nelson216, Kaynhyde, anna444 and Woundfucker like this post

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Albert Worm

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PostSubject: Re: The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers   The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers Icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2021 11:30 pm

Lot of big boy words here.

Mr Bubbless, hermit, garbagetalker1, moxie buddha, BlackAndWhiteKittenz, Kaynhyde, DanielBryer and like this post

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PostSubject: Re: The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers   The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers Icon_minitimeMon Sep 13, 2021 7:26 pm

Adam Lanza - Antinatalism

"One day I might just disappear and you will never find me. Nobody will ever find me"

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PostSubject: Re: The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers   The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers Icon_minitimeMon Sep 13, 2021 7:34 pm

Kimveer gill- Misanthropy
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PostSubject: Re: The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers   The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers Icon_minitimeMon Sep 13, 2021 9:12 pm

Elliot Rodger - couldn't get pussy

note on Ted K. with anprim though, I don't think he really associates himself as an anarcho primitivist- he split from Zerzan (anprim dude that went to his trial) and the whole name of anarcho primitivism during his trial because he thought the leftist causes of the anprim's were pointless and distracting.
classic kaczynski stuff y'know

lol that was funny

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PostSubject: Re: The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers   The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers Icon_minitimeSat Sep 18, 2021 9:52 pm

Robert Steinhauser - Anti-Authority

Kimveer Gill - Anti-Religion

Between Eros and Thanatos
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PostSubject: Re: The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers   The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers Icon_minitimeFri Sep 23, 2022 3:21 pm

Randy Stair- Emberism I guess.

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PostSubject: Re: The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers   The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers Icon_minitimeSat Sep 24, 2022 5:30 pm

DanielBryer wrote:
Randy Stair- Emberism I guess.

No, Ghostism

Brandon Hole - Bronieism
William Atchison - Couchism santa

Qwerteroruiop, Kartoffeln, Kaynhyde, DanielBryer, anna444 and Octal like this post

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PostSubject: Re: The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers   The philosophies of mass killers and attempted mass killers Icon_minitimeSat Sep 24, 2022 5:33 pm

Rosie1756 wrote:
DanielBryer wrote:
Randy Stair- Emberism I guess.

No, Ghostism

Brandon Hole - Bronieism
William Atchison - Couchism santa
Good one.

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