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 Why did they go to the library instead of the gym?

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Why did they go to the library instead of the gym? Empty
PostSubject: Why did they go to the library instead of the gym?   Why did they go to the library instead of the gym? Icon_minitimeThu Mar 17, 2022 1:34 pm

What if they attacked the gym instead?

I'm pretty sure they attacked the library because it was directly over the cafeteria and they (especially Eric) still probably expected the bombs to go off just on a delay. That's why Eric told Bree Pasquale while he was taunting her after he broke his nose killing Cassie Bernall: "We're going to blow up the whole school anyway."

They were expecting the bombs to still go off and probably kill everyone still in the library including themselves. Maybe they even wanted to keep the dozens of students in there pinned down so they couldn't escape the blast to come..

Eventually Eric told Dylan, "let's go down to the commons," the cafeteria. He wanted those bombs badly. He didn't want a shooting.

If they really hated the jocks... they could have gone to the gym. So that's why i lean towards my theory.

What are your thoughts?
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Mr Bubbless
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Why did they go to the library instead of the gym? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why did they go to the library instead of the gym?   Why did they go to the library instead of the gym? Icon_minitimeThu Mar 17, 2022 11:23 pm

This should be self explanatory: the library had more cover and places to hide, as well as less places to escape; the gym was a wide open room with more exits.

How would they have been able to hunt down dozens of victims in the gym where everyone could escape within seconds? As opposed to the library where everyone were essentially sitting ducks.

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Why did they go to the library instead of the gym? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why did they go to the library instead of the gym?   Why did they go to the library instead of the gym? Icon_minitimeThu Mar 17, 2022 11:34 pm

Just think it proves they hated the whole school. The library would typically house the more studious types while the gym would hold the most jocks. Sure it would be wide open but there would be locker rooms, smaller spaces of that nature. That's depending on if they got there fast enough which obviously they didn't. They were focused on the bombs.

I feel that's the biggest reason they chose the library.. directly above the cafeteria.

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Why did they go to the library instead of the gym? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why did they go to the library instead of the gym?   Why did they go to the library instead of the gym? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2022 1:30 am

I wonder why they didn't stop by the gym when they were walking around. They could have also went into classrooms they were walking past and shot many more ppl but didn't. Did they think the cops were gonna come in after them alot sooner than they did so they wanted to focus more on the bombs? I think so. I reckon if they knew how much more time they had they would've killed more. But the adrenaline probably wore off from just shooting and they wanted them damn bombs to do their job. Plus Eric would've been pretty disoriented from breaking his nose, and after they realised things weren't gonna go as planned they were pretty much done with life, with everything. They hated that place and everyone in it. Though dyl did spare John Savage. .... I'm just thinking out loud.

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Why did they go to the library instead of the gym? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why did they go to the library instead of the gym?   Why did they go to the library instead of the gym? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2022 9:35 am

Simple, they didn't go to the gym because they were scared. They only went for weak targets like the little bitches they were.

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Why did they go to the library instead of the gym? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why did they go to the library instead of the gym?   Why did they go to the library instead of the gym? Icon_minitime

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Why did they go to the library instead of the gym?
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