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 School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly

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School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly  Empty
PostSubject: School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly    School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly  Icon_minitimeSun Apr 03, 2022 12:58 am

Eric and Dylan: Trench Coats/dusters, black cargo/fatigue-style pants, Original SWAT boots,  AOL shirt (Dylan), Blue Jeans (Dylan )

Seung Hui-Cho: Sunglasses and baseball cap even indoors

Asa Coon: Students said he always wore a trench coat to school, liked to paint his nails black

Sebastian Bosse: Trench coat and all black

Matti Saari: Usually wore all black to school, started to wear a black leather jacket in honor of Auvinen  

Pekka-Eric Auvinen: Formal/dress style clothing, long black leather jacket

Kimveer Gill: Black, band merchandise, sometimes wore his trench coat in public

Adam Lanza: Blue polo shirts, a hoodie when at school and in public, khaki pants

Jeff Weise: Trench coat and all black, "goth style"

Dimitrios Pagourtzis: Trench coat

William Atchsison: Black beanie (not 100% sure if he wore it constantly, but based on the cctv of him at the gun store and at the gas station he worked at, he probably did), trench coat both at school and work

Robert Poulin: Military/camouflaged clothing

Michael Slobodian: Platform shoes to make him look taller (insecure about being short)

Elliot Rodger (kinda a school shooter I guess since his 4th and 5th victims were killed near a sorority house): Designer clothing, jeans, aviator sunglasses

Last edited by Engel on Mon Apr 04, 2022 11:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

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School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly  Empty
PostSubject: Re: School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly    School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly  Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2022 7:54 pm

Michael Ryan - Brown Jacket slacks Dutch parachuting boots and sunglasses

Between Eros and Thanatos

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School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly  Empty
PostSubject: Re: School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly    School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly  Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2022 9:18 pm

Engel wrote:
Eric and Dylan: Trench Coats/dusters, black cargo/fatigue-style pants, Original SWAT boots,  AOL shirt (Dylan)

Seung Hui-Cho: Sunglasses and baseball cap even indoors

Asa Coon: Students said he always wore a trench coat to school, liked to paint his nails black

Sebastian Bosse: Trench coat and all black

Matti Saari: Usually wore all black to school, started to wear a black leather jacket in honor of Auvinen  

Pekka-Eric Auvinen: Formal/dress style clothing, long black leather jacket

Kimveer Gill: Black, band merchandise, sometimes wore his trench coat in public

Adam Lanza: Blue polo shirts, a hoodie when at school and in public, khaki pants

Jeff Weise: Trench coat and all black, "goth style"

Dimitrios Pagourtzis: Trench coat

William Atchsison: Black beanie (not 100% sure if he wore it constantly, but based on the cctv of him at the gun store and at the gas station he worked at, he probably did), trench coat both at school and work

Robert Poulin: Military/camouflaged clothing

Michael Slobodian: Platform shoes to make him look taller (insecure about being short)

Elliot Rodger (kinda a school shooter I guess since his 4th and 5th victims were killed near a sorority house): Designer clothing, jeans, aviator sunglasses

How tall was Slobodian? I keep seeing people talk about him being short.

If I could start again, a million miles away, I would keep myself. I would find a way
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School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly  Empty
PostSubject: Re: School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly    School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly  Icon_minitimeFri Apr 15, 2022 12:49 am

"Michael Slobodian: Platform shoes to make him look taller (insecure about being short)"

an incel b4 incels

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School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly  Empty
PostSubject: Re: School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly    School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly  Icon_minitimeSun Jan 08, 2023 5:35 pm

Chris Harper-Mercer: "military get-up"
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School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly  Empty
PostSubject: Re: School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly    School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 09, 2023 1:14 am

Koschei wrote:
Michael Ryan - Brown Jacket slacks Dutch parachuting boots and sunglasses

What about that hat he was wearing in that only picture of him in the years before the shooting?
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PostSubject: Re: School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly    School shooters that liked to wear certain clothing constantly  Icon_minitime

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