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 mass shooters who murdered someone for mercy

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Age : 18

mass shooters who murdered someone for mercy Empty
PostSubject: mass shooters who murdered someone for mercy   mass shooters who murdered someone for mercy Icon_minitimeThu Jun 09, 2022 10:00 pm

Mass shooters/failed mass shooters who killed one or more of their victims for "mercy" or something similar.

Mutsuo Toi:  killed her grandmother because he couldn't bear to let her live and face the shame and social stigma that being the grandmother of a "murderer" would bring.

Sidnei Ramis de Araujo: He killed his son, because he couldnt let his son suffer the murder of his family, and living knowing that his father is a murder
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Join date : 2022-04-27

mass shooters who murdered someone for mercy Empty
PostSubject: Re: mass shooters who murdered someone for mercy   mass shooters who murdered someone for mercy Icon_minitimeFri Jun 10, 2022 5:27 pm

Charles Whitman indicated in his notes that he killed his mother and wife to spare them future humiliation and suffering.
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mass shooters who murdered someone for mercy
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