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 Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion.

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Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Empty
PostSubject: Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion.   Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Icon_minitimeFri Jun 24, 2022 1:05 pm

Like the society is a pvp game. The video game terminology is appropriate because the society treats itself like a video game that is about "winners" and "losers" (but with extensive cheating). The terminology may sound immature, but treating life like a game is the choice that the society made it speaks more of the society than of the commenter. Columbine was especially egregious because it was pay to win and extremely imbalanced. You needed to be a jock class and rich to "win" Columbine.
The game that Columbine played was especially outrageous because it actively sought to attract people that it assigned the "loser" position with theatre and science extracurricular classes. Additional cheating besides pay to win was that some players were abused until their mental health was destroyed.
When life is a game and there's so much cheating, treating it like Doom is malicious compliance (both complying to treating it like a game and complying to creating rules to others disfavour). Everything agrees with the spirit of the society.

Of course people with the game mentality will say that the shooters are losers. Well, not according to the kill-ratio.

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Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion.   Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Icon_minitimeFri Jun 24, 2022 2:10 pm

Why does there even have to be winners and losers in society? Theres no such thing as winning or losing life. We're all slaves under the system, so wouldn't society at whole be the real "losers for allowing themselves to be tricked by it?

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Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion.   Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Icon_minitimeFri Jun 24, 2022 9:44 pm

Average philosophy poster:

Guys... did you know... money doesn't have any inherent value. It only has the value we attribute to it. What if we just... stopped? Shocked

Guys what if everyone just stopped going to work one day then society wouldn't be able to function woah.

My mind is too immense why am I cursed with these thoughts???

Oh to be a cigarette in a ball pit 3

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Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion.   Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Icon_minitimeSat Jun 25, 2022 12:58 am

it's an interesting question. I personally believe that shootings are essentially products of society. she who criticizes and she who does it.
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Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion.   Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Icon_minitimeSat Jun 25, 2022 10:30 am

Engel wrote:
Why does there even have to be winners and losers in society? Theres no such thing as winning or losing life. We're all slaves under the system,  so wouldn't society at whole be the real "losers for allowing themselves to be tricked by it?
Well the winner would be wealthy people and the losers are those who have to work for a living and make little money.
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Timur's Swan Song

Timur's Swan Song

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Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion.   Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2022 4:36 am


Last edited by Timur's Swan Song on Thu Aug 18, 2022 8:25 am; edited 2 times in total

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Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion.   Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Icon_minitimeMon Jun 27, 2022 11:44 pm


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Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion.   Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 23, 2022 8:46 am


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Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion.   Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion. Icon_minitime

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Society is ran like a video game, Columbine is the natural conclusion.
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