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 Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game?

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Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Empty
PostSubject: Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game?   Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 8:39 am

Was there, because the media goes crazy about the role of videos games in mass shootings even though the only prominent ones were literally just Columbine and Sandy Hook as well as the fact that a motive for any mass shooting would be something to do with society in general rather than video games.

Last edited by eyutytuheu on Thu Sep 20, 2018 4:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game?   Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 9:48 am

The only one that comes to mind and this isn´t a mass murder or even a shooting but the two girls who stabbed their friend allegedly because of the Slender Man game and the victim survived if I remember correctly.

Childhood Was Paradise 

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Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game?   Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 1:20 pm

I'm suprised that GTA had never directley inspired a massacre, although one of the CMR perpetrators was obsessed with GTA and though NOoSE were coming, as well as many other references.
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Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game?   Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 1:53 pm

The closest that I could find has the murder of 3 people by Devin Moore who was inspired by GTA, supposedly
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Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game?   Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 27, 2018 1:48 am

There was this 17 year old kid who shot his dad and mom over them taking away Halo
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Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game?   Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 27, 2018 6:43 am

The best examples of deaths related to video games are a Chinese teenager who killed himself so he could live in Azeroth and an American who killed himself over EverQuest in 2001. There are also numerous cases where parents have allowed their babies to starve to death so they could play MMOs, but that's negligence more than anything else.

When it comes to actual murders, a 19 year old Thai man killed a taxi driver and blamed it on Grand Theft Auto IV. In 2005, a Chinese teenager stabbed another to death for selling a video game item which belonged to him. In 2007, a Vietnamese teenager killed an elderly woman for money so he could afford to play online video games.

That's about all I can remember reading about over the years.
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Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game?   Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 27, 2018 12:34 pm

TheGoodGuy wrote:
The only one that comes to mind and this isn´t a mass murder or even a shooting but the two girls who stabbed their friend allegedly because of the Slender Man game and the victim survived if I remember correctly.

They weren't doing it because of the game, they were doing it inspired by the stories about Slender Man.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game?   Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 27, 2018 5:06 pm

I just read Devin Moore's saying (2003) and Kimveer Gill's description on VampireFreaks (2006). They sound similar.

"Life is a video game. Everybody's got to die sometime." - Devin Moore

"Life is like a video game, you gotta die sometime." - Kimveer Gill

Then Atchison went and took some of Gill's note.
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Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game?   Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 27, 2018 6:12 pm

NSAhoneypot wrote:
I just read Devin Moore's saying (2003) and Kimveer Gill's description on VampireFreaks (2006). They sound similar.

"Life is a video game. Everybody's got to die sometime." - Devin Moore

"Life is like a video game, you gotta die sometime." - Kimveer Gill

Then Atchison went and took some of Gill's note.
Jeez, imagine being so unoriginal that your last message to the world is a copy of a copy. Shocked
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Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game?   Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 27, 2018 10:42 pm

AlteRoad wrote:
NSAhoneypot wrote:
I just read Devin Moore's saying (2003) and Kimveer Gill's description on VampireFreaks (2006). They sound similar.

"Life is a video game. Everybody's got to die sometime." - Devin Moore

"Life is like a video game, you gotta die sometime." - Kimveer Gill

Then Atchison went and took some of Gill's note.
Jeez, imagine being so unoriginal that your last message to the world is a copy of a copy. Shocked

I wonder if he legit couldn't think of anything interesting to say or if he just wanted to give homage to a lesser known killer.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game?   Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game? Icon_minitime

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Was there ever a shooting that was genuinely inspired from a video game?
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