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 School shooting video game.

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School shooting video game. Empty
PostSubject: School shooting video game.   School shooting video game. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 11, 2017 7:35 pm

So there is this PC game called Garrys Mod that I play frequently. Its a sandbox game where you can do pretty much anything you want as is. It can also be modded to add even more variety to the game.

People have come up with many different game modes for this game and hosted servers so that people can join in on the fun. The other day I noticed a school shooting simulator server with around 40 people in it.

The game mode is interesting. People are set into different roles on a random, rotating basis. There are students, teachers, security guards, swat police, and school shooters. The amounts of people in all the roles vary depending on the amount of people in the game (except for the school shooters, there are always two of these.)

The game works like this: Students are supposed to attend a "class" in the school. The "Teacher" always just bullshits and tries to be funny for  few minutes. Sometime randomly into the session, the game will assign the roles of swat and school shooters to a few players in the server. The shooters need to try to kill as many students as possible, while the swat, security guards, and teachers try to keep the students safe. This goes on for a few minutes until the game resets and new roles are assigned.

This one seemed interesting to me, because as opposed to other similar games where the students/cops are brain dead AI, strategy is involved. There are multiple groups of real players.

I have attached some screenshots of my session in the game: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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School shooting video game. Empty
PostSubject: Re: School shooting video game.   School shooting video game. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 11, 2017 11:36 pm

I played on a similar server with a friend. However it's like this:
Shooters randomly selected (usually 2 shooters but sometimes there's only 1, however this is rare)
Shooters spawn after (I think) 20 seconds with random weapons.
Students need to hide during that time.
Basically just hide and seek with school shooters.
Teachers sometimes spawn with keys or guns, however (from my experience) the teachers usually spawn with nothing.
Shooters can shoot locked doors open, however it takes several shots.
Sometimes SWAT spawns at school entrance after 100 seconds.
SWAT is basically people who died who now have to zerg rush the school.  
Isn't that fun because the shooters are picked completely randomly. People can be on there for more than an hour and only be shooter twice.
Can you also tell me which server that was? Also do you know what playermodel the shooter had in the last screenshot?
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School shooting video game. Empty
PostSubject: Re: School shooting video game.   School shooting video game. Icon_minitimeMon Aug 31, 2020 9:53 am

This could go elsewhere.
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PostSubject: Re: School shooting video game.   School shooting video game. Icon_minitime

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