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 How would've Nancy Lanza reacted to the SHES shooting?

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How would've Nancy Lanza reacted to the SHES shooting? Empty
PostSubject: How would've Nancy Lanza reacted to the SHES shooting?   How would've Nancy Lanza reacted to the SHES shooting? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 04, 2022 6:09 pm

We've seen what Peter had to say about the shooting when he decided to interview with The New Yorker in 2014. He publicly announced that he wished Adam would've never been born and has offered to talk to some of the victims families. Adam's actions deeply affected Peter and Ryan to the point where they both withdrew from the public eye and stayed silent.

If Nancy Lanza was miraculously spared or survived on 12/14, how do you think she would've reacted to what Adam did? Would she have come out publicly in defense of Adam? Would she have withdrew from the public like Peter and Ryan did? Personally, I think she would've come out with interviews trying to defend Adam, considering how she shielded Adam from the world. Either that or she would've gone on some sort of apology tour while she tried to grasp what Adam did.

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How would've Nancy Lanza reacted to the SHES shooting? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How would've Nancy Lanza reacted to the SHES shooting?   How would've Nancy Lanza reacted to the SHES shooting? Icon_minitimeWed Jan 10, 2024 4:56 pm

I'm not sure that Nancy would've outright defended Adam, but I could see her possibly becoming like Sue Klebold, trying to explain his behavior and try to grasp why he did it, but still very obviously believing that her son was her precious little angel...

I could also seeing her just completely staying out of the public eye and isolating because of the trauma from losing her child she dedicated her life to taking care of. I believe part of Adam's motive for killing his mother was because he didn't want her to have to deal with the aftermath of his actions, or even sparing her from the society he viewed as rape. He might've outright resented her and Peter for having indoctrinated him into the culture he hated so much though, we'll never know. One theory I've heard for him shooting her four times was that it could have represented all four members of their family, which if so, I think would be out of distain.

I definetely don't think she would've ever said she wished Adam were never even born... Unlike Peter Lanza, I can see Nancy admitting that she might've been able to do something different in order to prevent Adam from doing what he did.

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How would've Nancy Lanza reacted to the SHES shooting? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How would've Nancy Lanza reacted to the SHES shooting?   How would've Nancy Lanza reacted to the SHES shooting? Icon_minitimeWed Jan 10, 2024 5:33 pm

Realistically even more alcoholism. I agree with her potentially trying to rationalize Adam's actions while remaining stuck in some sort of permanent denial.

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How would've Nancy Lanza reacted to the SHES shooting? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How would've Nancy Lanza reacted to the SHES shooting?   How would've Nancy Lanza reacted to the SHES shooting? Icon_minitime

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