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 Lanza dyed his hair blonde before the shooting?

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Lanza dyed his hair blonde before the shooting? Empty
PostSubject: Lanza dyed his hair blonde before the shooting?   Lanza dyed his hair blonde before the shooting? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 22, 2018 6:08 pm

I say this based off the apparent color of the hairs on the inside of his hat, and an apparent description made by a first responder at the scene who saw Lanza's body.
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Lanza dyed his hair blonde before the shooting? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lanza dyed his hair blonde before the shooting?   Lanza dyed his hair blonde before the shooting? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 23, 2018 10:50 pm

Probaly nothing more then a false observation, the same way there are always MANY of the perpetuator and of the shooting itself, remember how Eric Harrrises coroner described his hair as black when it is clearly brown, hell there are plenty of people who draw Eric with blonde hair and Dylan with red hair for some reason lol when its clear Eric had brown hair and Dylan had blonde. I highly doubt he dyed his hair blonde to be honest.
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Lanza dyed his hair blonde before the shooting? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lanza dyed his hair blonde before the shooting?   Lanza dyed his hair blonde before the shooting? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 24, 2018 8:13 am

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Lanza dyed his hair blonde before the shooting? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lanza dyed his hair blonde before the shooting?   Lanza dyed his hair blonde before the shooting? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 24, 2018 9:35 am

VoDKaComeHere wrote:
Probaly nothing more then a false observation, the same way there are always MANY of the perpetuator and of the shooting itself, remember how Eric Harrrises coroner described his hair as black when it is clearly brown, hell there are plenty of people who draw Eric with blonde hair and Dylan with red hair for some reason lol when its clear Eric had brown hair and Dylan had blonde. I highly doubt he dyed his hair blonde to be honest.

I think the lighting in some pictures and videos throw people off on their hair color.

Also in the autopsy reports you have to figure they were lying in blood for nearly 24 hours.
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Lanza dyed his hair blonde before the shooting? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lanza dyed his hair blonde before the shooting?   Lanza dyed his hair blonde before the shooting? Icon_minitime

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Lanza dyed his hair blonde before the shooting?
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