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 Adam Lanza & the NIU Shooting

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Adam Lanza & the NIU Shooting Empty
PostSubject: Adam Lanza & the NIU Shooting   Adam Lanza & the NIU Shooting Icon_minitimeSun Mar 27, 2022 10:33 pm

On February 14th, 2008 Steven Kazmierczak shot his former University's Cole Hall killing 5 and injuring 21 people. Adam was interested in the case like any other act of mass murder. Here's some things connected I believe:
  • December 14th, 1996 Steven Kazmierczak made his first suicide attempt overdosing on Tylenol and calling his ex

  • December 14th, 2012 Adam Lanza shoots up Sandy Hook

Adam believed suicide and dying is a way to set yourself free and might have been inspired a bit by how many times Steve tried to commit suicide before taking others with him. Not saying this was his main choice for December 14 but its possible as one of them.
  • Adam left a newspaper article about the Northern Illinois University shooting in his room

  • Adam mentioned the shooting in a post about the same gun dealer being involved in 3 mass shootings (Virginia Tech, NIU, and LA Fitness

TheGunSource was the online dealer who sold some of the equipment that mass shooters
Cho Seung-hui, Steven Kazmierczak, and George Sodini used, probably among others

  • Both had eating disorders (Steve: Bulimia, Adam: Anorexia)

  • One person on Northern Illinois Universitys forum website even questioned the comparison too

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Adam Lanza & the NIU Shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza & the NIU Shooting   Adam Lanza & the NIU Shooting Icon_minitimeTue May 10, 2022 11:01 am

I doubt Adam chose December 14th because some other shooter attempted suicide that day. I don't think he even "chose" december 14th, I think he just woke up that day and decided to do it.
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Adam Lanza & the NIU Shooting
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