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 Another random dumb alternate scenario: James Holmes' full plan works

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Another random dumb alternate scenario: James Holmes' full plan works Empty
PostSubject: Another random dumb alternate scenario: James Holmes' full plan works   Another random dumb alternate scenario: James Holmes' full plan works Icon_minitimeTue Aug 30, 2022 12:56 pm

So lets say, hypothetically, James' AR-15 doesn't jam constantly like it did while he was shooting inside Theatre 9 and manages to kill 8-9 more people. Then the woman in the neighboring apartment opens the door, triggering the dozens of improvised explosives to detonate. How many do you think would die and what would the immediate aftermath be?
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Another random dumb alternate scenario: James Holmes' full plan works Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another random dumb alternate scenario: James Holmes' full plan works   Another random dumb alternate scenario: James Holmes' full plan works Icon_minitimeTue Aug 30, 2022 1:40 pm

The amount of kills Holmes gets at the theater is likely to be more in the realm of James Huberty, or higher. The blast kills the woman who opened the door, likely causing property damage and a fire that may kill one or two more.
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Another random dumb alternate scenario: James Holmes' full plan works Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another random dumb alternate scenario: James Holmes' full plan works   Another random dumb alternate scenario: James Holmes' full plan works Icon_minitimeTue Aug 30, 2022 2:04 pm

The amount of kills Holmes gets at the theater is likely to be more in the realm of James Huberty, or higher. The blast kills the woman who opened the door, likely causing property damage and a fire that may kill one or two more.

Never thought of the fire part, nice speculation, I had assumed due to literal napalm style chemicals being in the apartment it would blow like Alfred P. Murrah and would've exploded and then a fire a while later.
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PostSubject: Re: Another random dumb alternate scenario: James Holmes' full plan works   Another random dumb alternate scenario: James Holmes' full plan works Icon_minitime

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