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 Did anyone hear about the Oakland shooting today? 6 injured

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Did anyone hear about the Oakland shooting today? 6 injured Empty
PostSubject: Did anyone hear about the Oakland shooting today? 6 injured   Did anyone hear about the Oakland shooting today? 6 injured Icon_minitimeWed Sep 28, 2022 10:30 pm

Do we know anything about the shooter?
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Did anyone hear about the Oakland shooting today? 6 injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did anyone hear about the Oakland shooting today? 6 injured   Did anyone hear about the Oakland shooting today? 6 injured Icon_minitimeWed Sep 28, 2022 10:38 pm

Multiple gunmen, so I've heard.

Oakland school shooting involving multiple gunmen injures 6 adults; 2 critical - CBS San Francisco (

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Did anyone hear about the Oakland shooting today? 6 injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did anyone hear about the Oakland shooting today? 6 injured   Did anyone hear about the Oakland shooting today? 6 injured Icon_minitimeThu Sep 29, 2022 5:54 am

It's Oakland ffs, obvious gangland shit
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Did anyone hear about the Oakland shooting today? 6 injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did anyone hear about the Oakland shooting today? 6 injured   Did anyone hear about the Oakland shooting today? 6 injured Icon_minitimeThu Sep 29, 2022 8:56 am

vril wrote:
It's Oakland ffs, obvious gangland shit

Given the multiple suspects and no confirmed kills I'd say this has all the hallmarks of a disorganized and impulsive act by gang members with low agency as vril points out.

From the interwebs "Witnesses told police a car pulled up to the school campus and three gunmen got out and opened fire, and then they drove off." ... technically a school shooting I guess, kind of like how 99% of mass shootings counted are gang related inner-city events.

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Did anyone hear about the Oakland shooting today? 6 injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did anyone hear about the Oakland shooting today? 6 injured   Did anyone hear about the Oakland shooting today? 6 injured Icon_minitime

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Did anyone hear about the Oakland shooting today? 6 injured
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