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 What if the attacks are targeted?

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What if the attacks are targeted? Empty
PostSubject: What if the attacks are targeted?   What if the attacks are targeted? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 03, 2023 7:33 pm

The presence of strange phenomena in numerous attacks, including Jokela, Columbine and others demonstrates that at the very least, we need to agree that some extra dimensional force may be influencing this.  it is clear that for some people it is difficult to swallow the possibility of criminal occurrences being induced by transcendent phenomena.  however, if so, there should be evidence, and there is.  Premonitions, revealing dreams, speeches, signs and others.  Of course, it is easy for the common human mind to dismiss such data as ridiculing the fact as a personal view, but this does not in the least diminish their veracity.  it just makes you not accept them.  an important observation is that occurrences of accidents also have many alignments that can only be discovered with a synchronism, an influence.

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I'll send more information soon, but I'm sure Andrew Blaze came to the same conclusion.  this is explicit in the Email he sent to one of his contacts.
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What if the attacks are targeted? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What if the attacks are targeted?   What if the attacks are targeted? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 03, 2023 7:40 pm

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 like this photo from one of the columbine forums that existed at that time, where a person warns of a potential attack, hours before it occurred, the 2007 Finnish attack.
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PostSubject: Re: What if the attacks are targeted?   What if the attacks are targeted? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 03, 2023 7:54 pm

understanding this fact will help in the process of understanding Ascension.  It is also important to understand that "denial conspiracies" are a big mistake made by these conspiratorial thinkers and should not be taken seriously. obviously some of the data, mainly related to date alignment issues, similar events and others are also important.  an interesting case where this comes to light is Elliot, where another young man with the same characteristics as him, made an attack in Isla Vista called David Attias in 2001. the similarities between the two are enormous, mainly in relation to the lifestyle .  Attias did not kill himself however, but was captured and imprisoned, believed to be insane. it is more than certain that Elliot had contact with the case of Attias
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PostSubject: Re: What if the attacks are targeted?   What if the attacks are targeted? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 03, 2023 7:59 pm

A tip: Never follow rationalism in cases like this.  you won't get anywhere.  the only real way to understand what happened is to understand the mind of the person who did it.
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PostSubject: Re: What if the attacks are targeted?   What if the attacks are targeted? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 03, 2023 8:02 pm

the police simply believed the story described by Elliot and concluded the investigation.  we are talking about a figure with Violent-Artistic Personality.  Pekka is another figure underappreciated by police reports that only place him as a Columbiner.  there is a denialism of criminal reality also done by the police, since 1999. it is a real joke to believe that Elliot, Andrew and other shooters were 100% truthful in all their statements. therefore, understanding such facts only demonstrates that yes, it may be that some kind of metaphysical factor is behind accidents and mass attacks in some cases.
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PostSubject: Re: What if the attacks are targeted?   What if the attacks are targeted? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 03, 2023 8:05 pm

and yes, there is a paranormal factor.  I will soon delve into this topic.
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PostSubject: Re: What if the attacks are targeted?   What if the attacks are targeted? Icon_minitime

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