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 Stephen Balliet's prison misadventures

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Stephen Balliet's prison misadventures Empty
PostSubject: Stephen Balliet's prison misadventures   Stephen Balliet's prison misadventures Icon_minitimeSun Jan 15, 2023 6:44 pm

German accused of Halle synagogue shooting attempts prison escape | The Times of Israel

Far-right murderer takes 2 prison guards hostage in Germany | AP News

Become a techno-barbarian and get a free catgirl! You need to kill at least one jew to qualify. Alternatives include foxgirls and normal Waifus. She will always be loyal, so treat her good.
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Stephen Balliet's prison misadventures Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stephen Balliet's prison misadventures   Stephen Balliet's prison misadventures Icon_minitimeSun Jan 15, 2023 7:33 pm

German accused of Halle synagogue shooting attempts prison escape | The Times of Israel

Far-right murderer takes 2 prison guards hostage in Germany | AP News

I see he's still being cucked by locked doors.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel

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Stephen Balliet's prison misadventures Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stephen Balliet's prison misadventures   Stephen Balliet's prison misadventures Icon_minitimeSun Jan 15, 2023 7:34 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
German accused of Halle synagogue shooting attempts prison escape | The Times of Israel

Far-right murderer takes 2 prison guards hostage in Germany | AP News

I see he's still being cucked by locked doors.  

Become a techno-barbarian and get a free catgirl! You need to kill at least one jew to qualify. Alternatives include foxgirls and normal Waifus. She will always be loyal, so treat her good.
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Stephen Balliet's prison misadventures Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stephen Balliet's prison misadventures   Stephen Balliet's prison misadventures Icon_minitimeWed Jan 31, 2024 4:20 pm

Does self harming count as a misadventure?

Here's pictures of Balliet from Monday, Jan 29th and today, Jan 31st. They are from separate self-inflicted injuries.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

First paywalled article and source of first photo:

Second paywalled article and source of second photo::

Some interesting details from Tag24's reporting:
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Quote :
Balliet had also been preparing for his crime the weekend before the hostage-taking, he reported. There were two female officers on duty on Sunday evening who, according to the defendant, were "younger and less used to handling weapons than their male colleagues." So he postponed his escape until the following Monday.

The 32-year-old also said in the final survey that he would not rule out another attempt. He said he wanted to be free or die fighting.

And from today:
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Quote :
The fellow inmates were “pissed off” that everyday life in prison was different than usual and a planned Christmas event was canceled. When the prison director described this, the defendant appeared amused. He usually follows the hearing and the witness statements with interest and without much emotion. Every now and then he exchanges words with his defender.

After the crime, the prisoner did not drink or eat for several days, the prison director continued. There were concerns about his health and many discussions were held until he could be convinced to eat and drink again. Balliet was generally one of the polite ones among the 620 prisoners in Burg, but was absolutely inaccessible, said the director. He rejected all offers of discussion and treatment.

Because he was subject to the requirement of rehabilitation as a prisoner, there were two attempts to integrate him into a group of prisoners. A first attempt failed, a second one ended with the hostage being taken.

Confirmed: Stephan is the Grinch. He ruined Christmas - and found it amusing.

I'd like to eventually make my own thread of Balliet's paywalled articles (a lot of which are not misadventures, but still interesting details about his life behind bars, albeit scarce details). Don't see anything against doing so in the rules but I'm new here, correct me if wrong.

nebbish, Engel, ANOMIC, NEXT STEP UP, Zbulojik, name, ravenwood and देवा like this post

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PostSubject: Re: Stephen Balliet's prison misadventures   Stephen Balliet's prison misadventures Icon_minitimeWed Jan 31, 2024 7:30 pm

fivefourteam wrote:
Does self harming count as a misadventure?

Here's pictures of Balliet from Monday, Jan 29th and today, Jan 31st. They are from separate self-inflicted injuries.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

First paywalled article and source of first photo:

Second paywalled article and source of second photo::

Some interesting details from Tag24's reporting:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Quote :
Balliet had also been preparing for his crime the weekend before the hostage-taking, he reported. There were two female officers on duty on Sunday evening who, according to the defendant, were "younger and less used to handling weapons than their male colleagues." So he postponed his escape until the following Monday.

The 32-year-old also said in the final survey that he would not rule out another attempt. He said he wanted to be free or die fighting.

And from today:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Quote :
The fellow inmates were “pissed off” that everyday life in prison was different than usual and a planned Christmas event was canceled. When the prison director described this, the defendant appeared amused. He usually follows the hearing and the witness statements with interest and without much emotion. Every now and then he exchanges words with his defender.

After the crime, the prisoner did not drink or eat for several days, the prison director continued. There were concerns about his health and many discussions were held until he could be convinced to eat and drink again. Balliet was generally one of the polite ones among the 620 prisoners in Burg, but was absolutely inaccessible, said the director. He rejected all offers of discussion and treatment.

Because he was subject to the requirement of rehabilitation as a prisoner, there were two attempts to integrate him into a group of prisoners. A first attempt failed, a second one ended with the hostage being taken.

Confirmed: Stephan is the Grinch. He ruined Christmas - and found it amusing.

I'd like to eventually make my own thread of Balliet's paywalled articles (a lot of which are not misadventures, but still interesting details about his life behind bars, albeit scarce details). Don't see anything against doing so in the rules but I'm new here, correct me if wrong.

most well adjusted kraut

get wrekt

Kartoffeln, ANOMIC, NEXT STEP UP, fivefourteam, ravenwood and देवा like this post

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