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 Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun?

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Flanders Darrel

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Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun? Empty
PostSubject: Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun?   Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 11, 2018 5:43 pm

Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun did he do so?
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Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun?   Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 11, 2018 6:30 pm

It was a Smith & Wesson 342 AirLite Ti .38 caliber revolver, according to the report. The responding officers could see that it appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head and the autopsy revealed that there was "a gunshot wound to the upper palette inside the decedent’s mouth with obvious damage to the upper teeth," so the cause of death was "an interoral gunshot wound and the manner of death was ruled a suicide."

An interesting tidbit from the report about the revolver is that it was the only gun at the hotel that was purchased before his buying spree that began in October 2016.

Kłléyn: Lord of Utero likes this post

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Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun?   Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 19, 2018 6:18 pm

sscc wrote:
An interesting tidbit from the report about the revolver is that it was the only gun at the hotel that was purchased before his buying spree that began in October 2016.

His favorite gun, that he wanted to kill himself with, maybe?

Kłléyn: Lord of Utero likes this post

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Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun?   Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 21, 2018 1:38 am

mrbaby56 wrote:
sscc wrote:
An interesting tidbit from the report about the revolver is that it was the only gun at the hotel that was purchased before his buying spree that began in October 2016.

His favorite gun, that he wanted to kill himself with, maybe?

Or you know, it would be easier to position in a fatal area as it is small?
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Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun?   Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 22, 2018 12:12 am

ElliotRodger wrote:
mrbaby56 wrote:
sscc wrote:
An interesting tidbit from the report about the revolver is that it was the only gun at the hotel that was purchased before his buying spree that began in October 2016.

His favorite gun, that he wanted to kill himself with, maybe?

Or you know, it would be easier to position in a fatal area as it is small?
Would've been better if he bought a Taurus Judge (a revolver that shoots shotgun shells).

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Where did Stephen Paddock shoot himself and with what gun?
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