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 Do you think Stephen Paddock livestreamed it to a private group?

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Do you think Stephen Paddock livestreamed it to a private group? Empty
PostSubject: Do you think Stephen Paddock livestreamed it to a private group?   Do you think Stephen Paddock livestreamed it to a private group? Icon_minitimeFri May 03, 2019 11:21 pm

Do you think with the amount of electronics he had in his room like laptops, cellphones, etc, and with some of his peculiar behavior and with something said on OANN by an officer of the CIA about 2 girls on hay barrels livestreaming or videoing at 9:20pm and a DHS/TSA female employees witness statement about the 2 girls yelling "those stupid effing white people they deserve what is 'bout to happen tonight" and "woohoo, i hope you're getting this baby, like shooting fish in a barrel" do you think it's possible Stephen Paddock had an app and was livestreamin the shooting to a private group or select private individuals like the ones he told at the hotel there would be a shooting or terrorist attack before he did the shooting?

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Do you think Stephen Paddock livestreamed it to a private group?
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